Sunday 28 December 2014

The Neighbors - Out of the world

There are different kinds of neighbors in every locality. There is an uncle that, by any chance if the ball goes into his lawn while playing, it will never return. His lawn became the Bermuda triangle for balls. But in a show like The Neighbors, if the ball went into the neighbors lawn, it would first go through thorough examination of its atomic density, type of material and molecular mass. Just because they have never seen a peculiar object such as a ball. Being from outer space has it's perks. Let me clear it up, it is not a mistake. The neighbors really are from outer space.

Marty Weaver is just a responsible and caring father and a husband who happens to come across the locality of Hidden Hills, New Jersey, with its own golf course. I think it was the golf course which swung them off, but they thought their new home would be extraordiany. Which it was, more or less.

As they shifted, they noticed that all the other houses were inhabited by humans, well, at least who looked like humans. They start to notice that their neighbors habits are not, earthly. They travel in golf carts, the whole locality wears the same clothes as everybody else, everyday. Their names resemble famous people on earth. I think their social behavior is also taken from the magazines. It can even be that they think Justin Beiber is a good singer. There were a number of other plausible causes too.

Larry Bird, with his wife Jackie Joyner-Kersee who introduces himself as the leader of the community is the first to meet the Weavers and simultaneously break the news that they are from a planet called Zabrovan and assure the Weavers that they will experience which is never before experienced. As they are the only earthly family in the locality, Larry Bird always turns to them for advice on human psyche. Which is annoying because it feels like teaching a forty year old infant.

As the show progresses on the Weavers starts to realise that the Zabrovians are not so unpleasant to be around with, as long as they do not clap their hands twice and reveal their true form. They also realise that they are so important to their neighbors, who rely on them for practically everything. As the show progresses they realise that their decision of moving to the locality was not so bad afterall.

Don't you think I have done enough of TV shows? I think I'll do a book next time.

Saturday 20 December 2014

Masterchef Australia - A one of a kind culinary show

Masterchef Australia was first aired on April 27, 2009. Since then, it has had a meteoric rise. Masterchef, being a cooking show franchise has other adaptions from countless countries. Australia obviously being part of a part of it. Other adaptations also include Masterchef US, Masterchef India and many more. In my opinion, the Australian one gracefully rises above all and shines, so obviously being my favourite. There are even four major series of Masterchef franchise, The normal Masterchef, Masterchef Professionals, Masterchef juniors and Masterchef All-Stars.    

To talk about Masterchef Australia and it's franchise, it is apparently the most watched television show in Australia. Predictable. It has completed over six seasons, each one predictably better than the last. The show is judged and hosted by three fabulous cooks in this world. Gary Mehigen, George Calombaris and Matt Preston. Everybody has each other's qualities but Gary's personality, George's supportive and friendly nature and Matt's wise and strict judgement makes this trio perfect.

In season six Of Australia, the show was graced by the visit of Kylie Kwong, Heston Blumenthal and the legend of cooking, Marco Pierre White. They three shared their exceptional knowledge of cooking and gave a fresh perspective on altering the traditional classical dish into a modern delicacy. Kylie even mentored the the contestant running for the immunity pin. I must tell you, some of the home cooks have the Midas touch in cooking. A guy named Brent Owens won this one, he was also a home cook like everyone and he especially struggled to stay in the competition. That guy went through every elimination except one, that too a team challange. Now that folks, is pure determination, will-power and hard work.

Overall, season six was as lip-smacking and an amazing ride into the culinary world. I hope this review was at least half as good as the show, because if it is, then I have compelled you to watch it. I would seriously love to do that, maybe you will be salivating and even despise your home food temporarily after watching the show. See ya! have a good day.

Saturday 13 December 2014

How to get away with murder - A stop for drama, suspense and crime

So as told,  here is a review on another television show I was obsessing about.

Annalise Keating is a defence lawyer who is also teaching at Middleton Law School. At the first day of college it is known thats it's a rat race to acquire the top position, for that everyone will hog on to the law books, memorize all the unusual cases, and just try to get to the top.

Annalise, for her law firm, hires top five students from her class as her assistant. To make matters more interesting, she gives a reward, a trophy to the most outstanding student in her class. This trophy will not be just a momento to grace your shelf, this trophy will give you the power to slip away from any one test planned on the whole year, even the end term exams. It has only one use, and when it is handed back, it will be up for grabs again. You even have to maintain the lead or else it will slip away from your fingers as if it is coated with butter. Needless to say, it is easy to have the trophy snatched than earned and only one of the top five she appoints will get it.

In the first episode our protagonist, Wes Gibbins manages to barely enter the university, escaping the black hole of reservation list. He can't make a good first impression and stammers in class, which is like the Achilles heel for lawyers. He gets his first assignment, which is to get a suitable defense (apart from Annalise's) for a case she has taken. He manages to impress the professor and paves his way as one of her assistants. Along with four other, Conner Walsh, Laurel Castillo, they solve the case at hand while Wes manages to know some secrets involving Annalise and her husband Sam.

Between the present day scenario they show snippets of past, in which Wes and other assistants are carrying the husband in a forest, to burn him, so that the DNA is destroyed. I know there are questions, How? Why? What? Everything is answered in the show by showing us the snippets of the past with the daily case Annalise gets gradually revealing what is happening. So it really is worth at least an hour's of your time, I hope you like this one. Again, get a scratcher. You will be greatful.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Castle - A show worth swooning over

Okay, as promised, I am writing on one of my favorite shows. Castle. Just to clear it up now, it's not a PLACE! It's a name of a writer. Richard Castle The most amazing writer that America (even though fictional) has ever spawned in their television history. Now, this was personal perspective, I may be wrong to some people. So no suing the blogger which gives you crappy reviews. Anyway, he is a guy worth being gay for. I am just telling how amazing he is, I actually am not gay. I don't care if they have started their season seven. I will still write about it.

As every writer needs inspiration, Richard "Rick" Castle who has written many books on crime, murder and mystery has found his inspiration in the twelfth Precinct of New York city. The inspiration turns out to be a cop (duh) known as Detective Kate Beckett. She is a mind blowing homicide detective with honour, integrity and courage embedded in her.

Rick Castle, is one childish (always), hyperactive (sometimes), and a brilliant wordsmith (obviously) of a writer! Needless to say, a detective like her does not like a writer like him. But she has no choice. As she goes through the journey to have him by her side all day with his childishness and stupidity she finds him way over mildly annoying. He spent a day with her and thinks he has found his inspiration for his next crime novel, Nikki Heat. So, yeah, for further research, he stays.

Castle not only observes but also participates by giving crazy and speculated theories on who might be guilty and what the motive of this heinous crime of sending an innocent soul (or not) away from the earth might be. Great Castle, another reason for her to hate you. Anyway, as they both spend time together, Kate realises that he can be a fun guy to hang around with, slowly they trudge along the path of of friendship and partnership.

So that's it folks, all the other things will be clear in the show. I hope this review is worth your time, just watch the one hour episode, you'll not be disappointed. Next up is another review on a TV show.


Sunday 30 November 2014

A synopsis of Egyptian myths

I'm going to answer what my stalker (if I have one) must be thinking about all the time. Why was I inactive these days? I was too busy swooning over two of the most amazing shows in the United States television. That's for another review, for now bear with this synopsis of 'Rick's bundle of Egyptian myths.

The demons days were created by the sky goddess, Nut, for her and the earth's (Shu) children to be born in. Yes, they made out. No biggie! They are just the sky and the earth. Was she an over-pampering mom who wanted to pamper her children so much such as to give them their own days? Actually, no. The real thing was that the sun god Ra came across the prophecy that the children of the sky and the earth will take over the throne of the pharaoh, of which Ra was taking pleasures of. So he got all freaked out and forbid Nut to bear children to bear children on any of the three sixty days of the year (Then it was five days less). Harsh. So now Nut out-smarted Ra by gambling with the moon to gather enough moon light to create five separate days! And yes you can do that. But people, gambling is bad and with the moon it's worse, ask Carter and Sadie they'll tell you. After those days were made, Nut bear five children, one on each day, Set, Nephtys, Osiris, Horus and Isis. So if you think you had a miserable year then you know whom to contact to complain on how the year is too long. Though I hope no one had a miserable year.

This is a type of magic which can help you to use the power of the gods by channeling it through your body. This magic is very volatile and can damage you till, let's say, irreparable body parts. That's the con. What's the pro? You can have the devine power of the Gods. You can have cool combat avatars wrapped around your body which can act as a shield too (Carter did it). You can produce big fists to knock out your enemies, it is advised not to try it on mortals. But you have to keep it all under control, if you become too greedy the power of the Gods will eat you up. If you try to channel too much power you will blast to smithereens (I mean die). Scary? it should be. Millions of years ago when the Egyptian culture flourished the path of the Gods was legal and people used it extensively on combat (it even helped them to bring snacks from the other room without getting up). But people got greedy and jealous of others (why can he do that? I want to do that too!) they started fighting each other and channeled too much power and were dying in great numbers. So the path of the Gods was forbidden and the Gods were buried deep into the Du'at.

I am just doing this part because I think he is a cool God. This God is the Lord of the Dead. I mean can you believe it? He is the judge of millions of dead people in this world! He can decide which damned or pure soul will go where. Well actually he does not decide it, he has an assistant named Anubis who (according to girls) is to die for. He is an extremely hot, with good fashion sense and respect for ladies, God of death rituals. Anubis also keeps the feather of truth which is used for knowing whether one soul is pure or not. The feather is kept on one side of a weighing scale and the dead's heart at the other. If the scales are balanced then the heart is pure if the feather is heavy then......
Osiris also has a cute yet devouring pet with a crocodile's mouth, he's not a crocodile though, who likes to eat the heart of the damned.
There is one more thing which is mind-blowingly interesting. Carter and Sadie's dad hosts Osiris, even though unintentionally. So the cool God is in an amazing dad cum Egyptian lecturer's body.

So that's it for this time readers, I hope you like it. I want you people to like it. That's why I write after all. I will write a review on the couple of shows I was swooning over. Soon. They are really a couple of nail biting shows. After all, a detective drama series and a sexy, thriller, suspense based on the court are ought to be amazing and nail biting. See ya readers.

He's the great author who made my life full of adventure
I know the drawings are not great but that's how it is

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Serpents Shadow - Ma'at restored

Okay now, this is my final post.....of this blog project. You can't get rid of my writing very easily. Internet will suffer in silence taking in my writing for years! Bwahaha! Too much? Sorry.

Now this book is the final in the series. The final battle. Apparently, our giant, immortal, funky and chaotic snake, Apophis, is slithering around the world gathering followers either by fear or respect. His master plan is that he will swallow the sun so that the earth is plunged in an eternal sea of chaos and he can rule it afterwards. This particular snake can be the cause of immortal back pain I tell you. Now as always Sadie and Carter to the rescue! They have a weapon which, is a spell, if performed correctly, will send Apophis so deep in the Du'at that he may never to rise again. There is one tiny problem (as always). They are actually not so experienced with spell books, so they talk to the author of the book, who has been dead for some centuries. How? Their dad is the god of death now. Don't ask how THAT happened, it will take a whole other post. So, they ask the author to help them (whose name is Setne by the way) and he agrees to help. Now another problem, they have to use the spell in the shadow of Apophis, which is in the middle of the most dangerous and chaotic part of the Du'at (duh). Why is it not joined to him? Because as it goes, the shadow is one of five parts of you, essential for you to be complete, quite literally. Isn't shadow just a projection kind of thingy? Later please. Now the review.

So will our magical duo of siblings be able to stop our snake in time? Will they be able to perform the spell correctly? What will will be the plethora of dangers they will face? And yeah one more, they have to wake the sun god fully now. Who is now acting like a toddler. How will they babysit AND and save the world? All in the book.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

The Throne of Fire - A Quest for the Sun

Why am I late? Because I am an asshole.

Now I will write a review on the second book in the series. The throne of fire, as you just read, there really is a throne of fire mentioned in the book. This particular throne is uniquely uncomfortable (duh). Your posterior will be rare cooked meat in a matter of seconds. Unless you are the lord of the sun, Ra. The throne is actually put up in the sun boat on which he sits when doing the nightly journey through Du'at (the divine prison for almost anything). Apart from making the sun rise again,  he does the journey to stop the lord of chaos, a giant snake, Apophis so that the world is not plunged into a sea of chaos.

Now you don't have to read about the posterior searing chair and the victim, I am coming to Carter and Sadie now. They have made peace with the gods inside them and they are trying to promote the path of the gods by recruiting teenagers and teaching them the path. Let's just say they couldn't do proper advertising and the product got a negative response from other magicians. But they did manage to recruit and now they all are learning the path of the gods. But how can a story go on without a chink in the armour? Apart from teaching, Carter and Sadie are forced to do a part time job, namely, stopping Apophis from destroying our world. I would pick car washing and grass cutting instead.

They are on a quest to retrieve a book which contains the spell to destroy our funky, chaotic snake. Now that's what we call a weapon. A book. Now since they don't have the support of other magicians and they have to break into a highly enchanted museum which also contains the book, without any body knowing about it. Last time I checked, that's what teenagers did.
Good going Rick, sending children to a deadly chase so that they can save the world. Couldn't you have kept the book in the fridge so Carter finds it while getting a snack?

The good thing about this book is....well almost everything. But the bad thing is.....well....nothing. Damn it Rick! Couldn't you show you were a normal human with faults.

Monday 3 November 2014

The red pyramid - first in the series

Okay, sorry to be late. I'm not going to make excuses, but I had guests at my place. Sorry again. So back to the series....

Carter and Sadie Kane are two siblings living separately because their mother died in a freak 'Egyptian mishap' (No jokes). Carter travels the world with his dad while Sadie gets to live with her grandparents. I can totally feel the envy some people may have who posses an annoying sibling. But believe me, if you had to choose between a Justin Bieber concert and being a victim of their anger combined. You would gladly be messaging song suggestions to the authorities. Yup, their combined presence was catastrophic. Now, they don't know that, they think it was all courts decision after the accident. They don't know they share the lineage of two powerful magician families which makes them the most compatible entities to host God's. Yes, all those supernatural beings who were rumored to be buried by magicians centuries ago came back again. Guess how? The father. That's all I am saying, rest is up to you to read (too blunt right?). Carter and Sadie realise that they are demigods, meaning they have God's inside them probably doing an Irish jig and living rent free (yup, I wrote that). Amos, who is the brother of their father takes them to one of certified magic house of Egyptian in USA. There they discover they have to stop the god of chaos a.k.a Set from turning USA into a giant frying pan a.k.a. a dessert.
How do they stop him? How do they master the long lost art of hosting gods? What monsters do they face? Three words, read the book.

Sunday 26 October 2014

Kane chronicles - A series for non-Egyptians

In this post I will briefly write what Kane Chronicles of Rick Riordan is about and then I will list all the books in the series followed by a some lines of summary on each book. Then I will dedicate each post to one .
So here it goes....

This series is about two teenage siblings namely Carter and Sadie. Who share the lineage of two powerful magician families in Egypt. Yup, based on the Egyptian myths. So, surely if you have the blood of two powerful magician families you would surely attract monsters, magic and....gods. So what are the adventures that Carter and Sadie go through? What are the problems they face? You will all know in the following books.

  • First in the series is the Red Pyramid.
In this book Carter is travelling the world with his dad who is a "well owned lecturer on Egyptian mythology" and Sadie is living with her grandparents. They meet each other only twice a year. They both realize they have to stick together because they sort of (let's just say a cologne) wear a permanent, non-removable for life cologne which does not attract chicks but only trouble.

  • The second one is the Throne of Fire.            
In this book Carter and Sadie's cologne is stronger now and they are hosting gods with much more experience. Yup, those all powerful entities which control the universe with their powers, but with Egyptian style. Interestingly, we get to see walking mummies in this one! But first things first, they both have five days to save the world from a giant snake, Apophis, who is the lord of chaos. Do they hire a snake charmer from India? Highly unlikely and disappointing for Indians, but it is still worth a read!!

  • The last but not the least book in the series is the Serpent's Shadow.          
In this one the giant snake, the lord of chaos is about to destroy the world and sadly there are still no snake charmers in the book. Carter and Sadie get to know a very effective way of beating the snake and sending it so deep into the Du'at (sort of like the Egyptian prison and storage place) that he will not be coming back for centuries! Effective right? But highly dangerous, how will they succeed, or will they even succeed or not? Everything in the book folks. 
I still think snake charmers would be effective!
 (a bit too much right? Sorry)                                            

Next one coming on Sunday, 2nd November 2014!

Friday 24 October 2014

Diwali - the festival of lights, triumph and a holiday

Sorry to be late, I was busy with the festivities of Diwali.
I have a feeling that this can be my worst post ever but still, here goes nothing....
India is a rich cultural diversity with a plethora of festivals for every citizen inhabiting.
The one which catches everyones eyes are Holi and Diwali (personal perspective). Let's make this a current event post and gossip about Diwali.
Being an idiot and not having much intellectual depth in my writing (AND living in a free country) I can say that Diwali is a festival heard in all the four corners of India but there is a high possibility that not every human in the populous has a homogeneous reason to celebrate it. For a businessman it may mean doubled sales. For a school student it may mean a holiday from the hectic and boring school and extreme fun the whole day (the definition of 'fun' is flexible is the teenage world). But one thing which every category knows but still does not show is what Diwali is all about. It marks the return date of Lord Rama from a fourteen year of exile. Everybody knows that right? Everyone must be tired of hearing that. The same boring yada-yada in the books is now in this not-so-great blog, it's getting too much right? But still, read on. Diwali is about triumph, about victory of 'good' over 'evil' where Ravan is neatly portrayed as evil and Ram as good and the victory was achieved when Rama killed Ravan and returned to his kingdom. Whoosh! Too much great values is a bunch of words stringed to together. So now here I am asking, what did we do? Couldn't we handle the greatness in one story and in one day? So we decided to complicate things more. (I am extremely sorry for inserting the dark side of diwali in this, but this is important) why did we start bursting obscene amounts of fireworks? Thereby increasing the air pollution and the garbage accumulation. As if there was a dearth of asthma patients. We enjoy bursting those loud as Zeus crackers but making it difficult for other animals. Is it actually so difficult to stick to the real rituals? Just light a candle or a 'diya', wear good clothes and invite people in the housevto brag about the furniture and have fun the rest of the day!
Look folks, I apologize to go all teacher-o-saurus on you, it just felt important. It's a free country, nobody can force you, they can only ask you to look back to decide to yourself what you really want Diwali to be like, and if it really is that way. The rest is up to us and the future will only broadcast what we decide.

By the way, belated happy diwali!!

P.S the foreigners should really visit India at this time, it really is very colourful, you will actually enjoy all the lights, it will be 24 hours of light in this day, as if the sun never set!

Wednesday 15 October 2014

The word mingler's nightmare - Writer's Block

I am not having an idea for the blog! Which can never get more frustrating. This is the nightmare every writer gets, the writers block. When something you love to do is being restricted by your own brain is the most deceitful thing and the biggest form of betrayal. For a professional writer it's worse, his bread depends on it, he gets crazy and irrational ideas that he will never get any idea for the rest of his life and then he'll die knowing that he failed his readers by not giving them another piece to read. The writer will welcome any idea in his mind, no matter how improbable, how stupid, even if evil (which they usually get). The idea is welcomed because there is a desperate need of one.

When you don't get an idea, you will try numerous methods to get one, and you just think you have a tube attached in your ear with a machine on the other end which will flood your brains with mind blowing fiction! But there isn't one so comes the uninvited frustration, agony and anxiousness to fill the gap. When one is having a writers block it can become anything from gorillas in steroids to being a burrito of sadness, from being a Himalayan monk to being in periods (don't ask how I know that). So it can be wise if you leave them to their own devices. But if you are close enough to them then you may give them comfort, be a shoulder to think on. This can be applicable to to full time writers who can't just get any ideas for their book, because just admit it word-minglers, your bread depends on it and that is enough reason to get frustrated.

All the above secretive (probably false, too) things I told you are done is private, in public it is a more "social" reactions. They are walking down the road having a hot dog in one hand and coffee in the other while their friend takes leverage of their deep thinking and gulps down the sausage and drinks the coffee while the owner either does not care or didn't notice. The silver lining is that the possessions would have ended at the trash uneaten and not drunken so it was good that they managed to have been treated by the acids of any Homosapien.

After all the suffering and cursing, God decides to show his appreciation that you survived all these times. He sends one gift, an angel, a guardian, which you know will be cherished by you for all time because that one gift will be loved by you in no time and forever after, because it will come in the form which every inhabitant of this precious rock knows as an inspiration, mine was Anna, my best friend.

So this is the phenomenon of being in a Writer's block. It is actually not a fearsome condition as I have described it. It can be normal for some people but to some, not. Writer's block can even be overcome easily, the most known way is finding an inspiration, or you can just utter out loud and you may come across an idea worth sharing. So guys, this is the dark side of being a writer,  don't be discouraged by this one, this one is lousy, you already know the positives so look up to them, every coin has two sides folks. You can't avoid that.        

Sunday 12 October 2014

The Polar express - Revisiting the characters

When ever you think you have seen one mind blowing movie with characters worth individual attention, write a review on them! After the preview on the movie, I have decided that there are some characters in it worth having there own paragraph, hell they deserve their won movie, but since I can't do the latter please bear with this character sketch. Since I couldn't quite catch their names so I'll be using self made names. You are free to choose what to read, it can be long.


This is the protagonist of this joyous and believable movie. A doubter, who has trouble believing in Santa. I would not blame him, he must have waited whole night hidden to catch the glimpse of the old man but didn't see him. He must have seen his parents put the presents under the tree when he hoped Santa would come in the night. He must not have a chimney (I'm kidding, he had one). The point here is, a child's mind is a fragile thing, when it withers and crushes under the pressure of fact like a flower due to disbelief in certain things one wanted so much to be true it is almost impossible to make it live again, notice the word 'almost'. This blogger may be irregular and uncustomary in his job folks, but he does know what crushed belief feels like. He's been there. So, to be back on track for the review, a train comes in front of his house in the night of an another dis-believable day. A the boy just being a boy, is curious what a freaking train is doing in front of his house, a conductor comes out of the train and explains that the train is going to the north pole to meet Santa. He just has to take the step, have faith and get in. He is first discombobulated to board it or not but he does get in, because how much ever he not believes in Santa he still wants to, he will do anything to help him restore his faith. A two way ticket magically appears in his pocket, he get's hot chocolate as refreshments served on aprons who can magically become tables without the need of a base. He even reaches north pole, see elves, accidentally goes into the grand bag of holding the presents but what really can heal him is seeing Santa with his own eyes. Do you realize how deep his wound was? After having all these experiences he is still having trouble believing!
He get's to see Santa, but first he had to really believe that he exists, which is ironical because he was told that "seeing is believing" and here he had to believe to see (see the previous review). The voice actor for this one is Tom Hanks.


This boy right in the picture might just be the biggest metaphor on the phrase "Christmas is for everyone", and to exercise the right to add, especially for the lonely ones. Just like every time, the train makes a stop at this boys' house, he too is uncertain to get on the train. Christmas just didn't work for him, until he decided to take the step and board the train. The whole journey he sits separately from all the other kids, like in the other coach separate. He does not think they are lower than him or something, he is just shy. But The Girl who believes (next paragraph) is just so nice to him. If someone can save you hot chocolate then that person is just the ultimate kind person you can have. This boy needed some friends ASAP and the doubter and the girl completed that for him. He lives in a home detached from the main town, with not much friends. He doesn't get to play in the snow with kids his age, make a snowman with them, play snow fight with them, because he doesn't have any. This kid is the perfect example and a message that Christmas can not be spent alone, Christmas is about sharing, sharing happiness, goofing around with your friends, sharing your expectations of presents. No one knew one train could change a man this much. No one knew a few metal containers on wheels could bring someone so much happiness and new hope.


Even though everyone in the train believes that Santa exists, this girl is the only wise one. That I think, can be wrong. This girl in the picture is the most kind and empathetic person in this world filled with hypocrisy and lies. This girl just understands what's it like to be lonely, and she surely knows how to get acquainted with anybody. She knows how to have fun, and make people have fun with her. She is the balance between the childish belief in Santa and being real for the world. She is the counter weight for the Doubter and the lonely guy, as there are not so Christmas-y thoughts in both the boys minds, she tries her best to lift the atmosphere up. She is greatly successful in it. She has the most unforgettable Christmas when she gets to have a drop in a bag full of presents for the whole world. Get's to see the workshop for making gifts and then get to see Santa, she still does not forget her friends, she knows how to share the happiness. The voice actor  for the girls is Nona Gaye and she has done an amazing job of it.


The first thing that comes to mind when you see him talk is that he is a trained conductor, he takes his job seriously and makes it a bit too obvious. He has practiced reciting what the train is called and where is it going. He is one expeditious guy who is wants everything to be well timed as well, of course it's Christmas, it's his job to make sure that every child gets to see Santa which is probably more important than seeing a blue moon.
The conductor may be putting child repellent cologne on him but he loves children, it's just that it bugs him if someone messes with his schedule, which children do a lot. He is like a coconut, he is very harsh with children if they mess up because he thinks it's his ultimate responsibility to keep the children safe and do his job to make their Christmas the most unforgettable one ever. He is even strict when it comes to punching tickets, in his perspective if the ultimate privilege of boarding the train is not being confirmed by the conductor you are not deemed fit to sit in the coach, but apparently you are allowed to sit in the engine if the engine masters decided to change the light bulb. You didn't expect him to throw a child off the train if he/she does not have the ticket? He even punches ticket in the most professional manner ever so make sure you don't fall for him when he punches your ticket.

                                                                 *THE END*

P.S. These are not the only great characters of the movie, There is, of course, Santa, the great bearded grandpa with the gifts, and there is one guy who calls himself the king of North Pole, amazing character, it is a bit hard to not look out for these characters because they play a significant role in the movie, but still, make sure you understand the movie and make your Christmas more enjoyable! I didn't write about Santa because then it would be too long, my sincere apologies

Wednesday 8 October 2014

The polar express - Christmas more believable and magical

How many kids believe in Santa? Well, everyone. There is something magical in the excitement you get when you wait for that red dressed grandpa with a long snowy beard in the night in the night of the twenty forth. To leave cookies and milk for him so that he can feel great full that someone cares, and can apparently give you the present you wanted. It's not just exciting for the kid, most cases it's joyous for the parent to know that their kid is hiding flashlights under the bed so that he can see the great guy with gifts. It's something indescribable when you get the gift under the tree, see the cookies and the milk finished and have the desired gift from Santa after trying to not go in the naughty list the whole year.
It's even more heart filling when you get to know there is a train who will get you to the north pole so you can see that great snowy bearded man and see him fly the great SLEIGH! Sounds interesting for the believers (those who believe, not the Justin "douche" bieber fans, so make sure you read it correctly). What about the doubters, who don't believe? For them Christmas is just another holiday, a day to open wrapped belongings your relatives bought you. A day to just roam around, maybe go to the mall and have some "fun".
The movie revolves around these two themes, a boy who is a doubter and other kids who believe. He has trouble believing that Santa exists, but the hope is still there. That small beacon of hope would have disappeared if not for that night. The boy laying awake in his bed, waiting for the jingle and genuine 'ho-ho-ho' from the ceiling. Even when he knows he'll not hear it. Instead he hears something unusual, something even a mind in it's wildest dreams would not imagine (well, maybe. That's how the movie is there). A train parked in front of the house ready to take any kid to the north pole to meet Santa, The Polar Express. The Polar express runs on the late night of Christmas Eve going door to door to pick children that it can reach early morning to the north pole to give the immense joy to children by seeing the famous guy and even get the chance to have the first gift of Christmas! (just like any lucky draw, only this one was real). The train is parked up in front of the doubter's house to pick him up. It is chance to restore his belief. He is confused as the train never came to him before but he decided to board eventually. A train ticket appeared in his pocket which is punched by an expeditious man with a talent of punching tickets with a message (it is Christmas after all).
Since going from US of A to north pole in a train cannot be an easy task, they face some peculiar difficulties which can only be faced by a train in the north pole and nothing else. They surpass those and reach the great destination every kid in the world has ever dreamt of. Everybody know what the writer is saying. But how can meeting the Santa Claus can be such an easy task? The boy has trouble seeing main attraction which is minutes away from flying of. He uses an advise which he thought didn't make sense before-"to believe"  lo-and-behold he gets to see the man he was trying so hard to believe in.
In the end a very great irony (personal opinion) is revealed. That is it was said that 'seeing is believing' but to see Santa the boy had to believe to see. This author can be wrong.
A bit to obvious huh?

Saturday 27 September 2014

Lincoln Lawyer

Lawyers are sly, really really sly. They are the creatures of destruction and creation simultaneously. They are like a creature hiding in the bushes formulating a plan to how to snatch the piece of meat from the fox itself. Most of the time they succeed too. This is not a post on the hates on the lawyers so, lawyers, just put down your files which will help you in filing a law suit against this one, please. (FYI, couldn't get any other word so used 'creature', no disrespect intended.)
This post is actually about a movie which highlights the law system, and the people consisting it in a very drastic and bold manner. Really bold. The movie's name is, as above, Lincoln Lawyer, the protagonist is nothing like Abraham Lincoln in the starting. He just goes to the higher bidder, not looking at the black and white of the situation. Which makes him a great lawyer! Because if you can drop the charges from the head of a husband who kept the head of his wife in the refrigerator, you are a disgusting, uncouth, unethical man but a great lawyer. If you can bend the evidence a little, manipulate the jury, the witness, find loop holes in the legal bonds then great. But he's nothing like Lincoln mind you
The lawyers job is not to give justice people, it's job is to protect it's client who is paying him money. If you lose a case you were in and sent your client behind bars, most of the people will see you as not such a bad man because then the man will be a convict and deserved to be behind bars, but to a lawyer it's like he let people down, he faces trust issues with himself, because to him his client is innocent, he does not look at evidence, he does not look at the witness. His client is innocent..period. I think I just found the reason why almost every lawyer in the world is an 'outcast' in the society at some point of his life! For a lawyer, his client is always innocent, at least when he is in front of the judge.
The lawyer in the movie often deals with thugs, takes their case, releases their man, why? Because they pay him money, and he chooses to do it. He, on a different law suit, takes the case of assault on a woman (tricky case) he even get's to know that his current client has assaulted a woman before and he had handled that case and got the wrong man convicted for it. It came to light that both the women were injured the same way. Do you realize how conflicting that was for him? He convicted his client for what his other client did! But let me tell you, he makes it right in the ending. I think that's why the movie was called the Lincoln Lawyer, not because he owns a Lincoln company's car. But because he becomes a changed man after the case, he starts to fear evil, he is scared that evil will be standing right before him and he won't be able to recognize it. The movie is open to the interpretation to the audience. If you like the review then watch the movie, if not, then why should a puny review come in the way of an enjoyable evening (probably with a lawyer)?

Thursday 18 September 2014

The Benchwarmers - satirically different

Ever been bullied? Of course, everybody's been bullied. Not you? Look again. some are bullied on a daily basis, other's on a weekly, others just once or will be. Just not talking about physical okay, talking about the emotional, and mental attack you get. Hearing mean nicknames from your own, a comment on your disability, any disability. That's all bullying, Now if your answer is still no, then you will be bullied or you are the other side of the coin, needless to say - I despise the latter. I know, I know a writer should not have biased opinions on any matters and represent every matter as factual. But I think personal opinion is needed on it, I think bullies are despicable (it's a fact), and I think there's still time when I can call myself a writer.
Back to the movie, The Benchwarmers is a stupid movie. It has what everybody calls a slap stick comedy, not an intense, worth going to the cinema comedy. Then why write about it? Because if I look at it closely, it a movie on bullying. It is the first and an amazing way I have seen bullying being represented satirically. I said everybody is bullied, has anyone done something about it? Very few, but let me tell you one thing, none of you have thought of it by solving it by baseball. Three guys thought of it. They formed a team called The Benchwarmers as they did not have a chance to play ball when they were in there school years as they were bullied therefore being psychologically disturbed (that happens). They form a team and play against all the teams who consist of people who think very full of themselves, or there coaches were known to be. They become a great hit after surpassing mock and hate from people with the help of others nerds and the victims.
This movie is not something some people will be very excited to spend a buck and go to the cinema to watch it. I would recommend to see if it's coming in the television (or download the torrent) and cuddle in blanket to watch it with your family while the younger ones get to enjoy the comedy and you get to feel the bigger meaning. There is metaphorical character in the movie. Let's chat about him, I'll keep it extremely short...
There is a character named Gus in the movie (not the TFIOS one calm down!). He is a metaphor on bullies themselves. He is a character who clearly, impeccably and visibly tells us that bullies can be very mean, they ARE cruel, but they to have feelings, they can one day realize that they have done some diabolical things. They can mend the harm also, it just takes a genuine sorry from the heart, the one sorry you really mean.
I seriously feel very weird using Gus and metaphor in the same description, my apologies if any harm done.


Tuesday 16 September 2014

LETTERS TO JULIET - Questioning the very functioning of l-o-v-e

What is the longest time you've waited for someone? Someone who is worth the wait? A month? A year? Let's be generous and let's just guess, five years? But have you ever waited for someone for over FIFTY years? I am pretty sure the answer's a negative.
In Letter's to Juliet, a woman named Claire, has found her true love again, after fifty long years. Let's start from the begging, It all started with a teenage woman finding and knowing that she found a man she would love forever. Claire was a teenager when she met Lorenzo, they used to have so much fun together, spending each second they could with each other. It was love at first sight, they loved each other more than anything. But I don't know what Destiny had for breakfast that day and Claire had to go to London because her parents wanted a better place to live in. Well, it seems it ends here right? Come on I have a review to write! I can't have a piece of barely 150 words and a movie can't be that short. So moving on, I think Destiny realized it's mistake that she should never let her breakfast mix with her professional life, and mended it, even though it was after 50 years. But just like any other love story, she made sure that people involved were willing to bring back the past.
A girl named Sophie went to supposedly a honeymoon with her fiance. As obvious it may sound, they went to France. But it turned out as a business trip for her budding chef fiance (disastrous) and she toured France alone (end of the world). Where she met a woman at the wall of Juliet and others who called themselves the 'secretaries of Juliet', this sounds highly unlikely but these beautiful women sit together and reply to the cries and problems the girls put on the their letters. I mean wow! can it get any deeper than that? well it did, when I watched the movie further.
Sophie decided that she'll reply those letters as she was looking for something to do in France. The other day when she was collecting the letters she found a letter hidden inside a wall, it was just kept there for years. She decided to write back to the sender regardless of the fact that it was written a long long time ago and she may or may not get a reply. Well, she one. Claire herself. They go on a chase to find a Lorenzo Bartolini, even if there were more than 70 Lorenzo in France. Oh the love.
I am not saying anything more...I would ruin the story then, but I just love the fact that this movie highlights the fact that true love exists and there are no barriers of time holding it. And also the fact that it all started with a reply and ended with a reading of it.....and also a balcony and the usual mushy mushy. You will know the exact meaning of it when you see the movie.

Friday 12 September 2014

9/11 - The catastrophe that shook the world

                                             A TRIBUTE TO THE VICTIMS

I know it's a day late to post something about 9/11. But I think these things should not be limited to just one day, they could be remembered any day. Everyone who has experienced or even seen the disaster of 9/11, you have my deepest condolences, it might sound unreal, but I really mean it.

9/11 was the biggest terrorist attack ever occurring in the US, and which will ever occur (hopefully). They were actually a series of coordinated attacks by the terrorist group called Al-Qaeda. They hijacked four airplanes on air itself in an attempt to make it a suicide crash attack, they largely successful. Out of those four flights, two were crashed into the World Trade Center (a.k.a The twin towers). One other was crashed into the United States Department of Defense, the Pentagon, thereby destroying the western half of it. The last one was supposed to be climax, the most disastrous and the most daring task the terrorist group did. They were supposed to bring down the white house. Now, if they would have done that, there would have been no chance of US getting back up and reciprocating in a few years, if white house was attacked at that time, the whole country's base of existence would have been at the brink of destruction, because if you cut of all the limbs of a man there's so little he can do. But, being thankful of the passengers aboard that plane, they tried to overpower the terrorist and the plane landed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. All this destruction,was obviously leads my social, economic and ethnic unrest. People were shocked watching the bulletin in their homes, there were even people who lost their loved ones in all this destruction, even Micheal Jackson would have dies early as he had an appointment in the twin towers that very day (this is a plus fact). But, the repercussions by the citizens of the US was also not very humane. Yes, after the attack people started hating every non-white existing in the US, especially the muslims, I mean 19 people did that to you, not a whole religion no one else should have been held accountable except Al-Qaeda, punish them, nobody cares, but people should not have made others suffer. But I understand your worry, I get trust issues with everybody if someone steals my chocolate, and what happened to the citizens was much, much more than chocolate snatching.

Just after all the destruction was (sort of) taken under control, after some months a monument was built as a poignant reminder to the citizens who suffered in the attacks in any way. Even having a not so visible but clear message for Al-Qaeda - Destroy this now, suckers.

You must be thinking why the writer has written this post, I have not experienced what happened to the people, but I still know, how hard it is for them, how they feel after losing a loved one.
I salute the ones who have suffered because they have the courage to hold themselves up till now, after so many years.

Friday 29 August 2014

Now you see me- Magic explained in 2 hours

Well here I am, behold!! "the-blogger-who-does-not-get-any-likes-but-still-posts" has posted again. That introduction was not for getting any likes (I swear on river styx), I just wanted to tell you that even if you can't see appreciation even then you can go on, there is absolutely no reason necessary to go on. This can be a quote!! Anyways this review is going to a bit different, because it will be short, I'll try my best. And it's about magic!!

How many people believe in magic? hundreds? thousands? millions? But how many of you actually practice it? practicing in the sense, making it your life, your belief, your heart. Believing even when you know it is only science, misdirection, misinterpretation, an illusion. This movie is about that, believing. The most basic summary of the movie in one line is...Magicians are asked to rob a bank with magic. I know it is not actually believing and does not actually reflect the high ground I put up in the beginning, but read further, you'll know. Magic is not about just flipping cards, disappearing from places, making things appear, it's much more than that. It's about making them believe, give them a satisfaction that if something like this is possible then everything is possible. Magic must be illusion, trickery, deception, but it should be used for applause not for stealing, then it would be a crime.
Anyways, In this movie extraordinary magicians are chosen to work together, put up the biggest distraction to complete a task given by the protector of the "eye" to get the chance to be a member of the eye and possibly be the greatest magicians in the century. Now to clear the confusion, the "Eye of Horus" or "the Eye" is an ancient Egyptian myth which consists of people who are protectors of real magic and the protectors of those who practice magic. The Eye selects people twice a century, that is a hell lot of time and just because of this broad time frame, you are tempted to do it. So four people are selected by the eye to prove their faith by following a series of commands with blind obedience. In this term, these four magicians are specialists in different fields which compels them to work with each other otherwise the task would be impossible. They rob a bank, slip from the clutches of police and entertain people
Now this is a short review, as I said. Just the basic plot. I know, it is not usually welcome, but you will still enjoy it, and I have used a couple of phrases from the movie so that you can relate to them and confirm that you are watching the correct movie. One more thing, there will be a twist which you will not be able to foresee. So that's it folks, the review on a magical movie, which is not really magical ( oh the irony). If you think it worth your time then go and watch it, if you don't think so, then it's just 2 hours!!

The movie's casting is something like this- Mark Ruffolo (An agent who investigated the robbery), Jessie Eisenberg (yup the social network guy, and magician), Woody Harelson (magican), Isla Fisher & Dave Franco (both magicians), Morgan freeman (yes people he is there). So guys, another incentive to watch the movie.

Monday 18 August 2014

Brave - Proof that girls are equals!

hey, so here's a review on Brave. Had time in my hand so I thought I would post something. Quite a time since I've posted, so for the regulars (if there are any) my sincere apologies.


Some people think that girls can never be equal than boys, as they are weak in any way. Well friends, if you want to prove them wrong then show them this movie.
The story is about a girl named Merida whose father is a king named King Fergus, who is king of three clans allied together, who has a wooden leg in place of a real one, courtesy a bear named Mord'u. As her mother, Queen Elinor, was brought up a princess and nurtured to be one day be queen, she wants Merida to follow on her footsteps. That is, her mother always tells her to walk straight, eat properly, show grace, don't do weapons as they are not good for princesses. But Merida, doesn't want to be a princess, as you see, since she was a small kid she had a fascination of bows, and archery, as she grew her fascination also grew and she became a fabulously elegant shooter. Her mother as I described earlier does not like that, as she thinks it is not typical princess stuff. So what to do now? Merida makes a deal with her mother that she has to follow her mother's orders and she will get Sunday to be herself. Yeah, I think one more thing this movie taught us that Sunday's can be superbly exciting and refreshing even though you know tomorrow is Monday and you have to go that boring cycle of obedience again! So, she always abides by the rule because she knows, after all the boring stuff she will get to do HER thing. If there was a place for the queen of archery, she would get it. She's even got these three mischievous, adorable and cool small brothers, who help her in the movie! But as the future holds, her mother drops the bomb of marriage to her. Now this is not going well with Merida, as she is not mentally ready with marriage. So she just rides of into the woods with her horse to clear her head a bit. There she finds an answer, and just to be mean, watch the movie to see what the answer is, because that's where the real fun and message begins.

I am not going more into it. I'll try to keep the review a bit early next time. Personal perspective alert - The songs are awesome!!
This movie will entertain you thoroughly, and keep you at the end of your seats the whole time. You will get some feels to. This movie will teach you that girls have limitations and should do things regardless of their choice most of the time, but you can get past them, you only need the support of your family.
So, if this movie looks like worth your time, then please do watch it. If you have seen it then watch it again!! No harm done right??

Saturday 9 August 2014

This above all- To thine own self be true.

Hey guys! I've written another post. This one is a bit different, it is not about any reviews of movies or books or bands or anything. This is actually an essay on a line mentioned in one the play's of Shakespeare namely, HAMLET. I wrote this essay for an essay competition and I thought that I should publish it in my blog also. So here it is, I hope whoever reads it likes it.



“This above all: To thine own self be true”, a line said by Polonius written by Shakespeare in the, now and then, sensational plays of his, Hamlet. Earlier this line had a clear meaning but now, it has been given a different meaning, different people think differently of this line. Now they wonder, what is being “true” mean? Truth be told, it can mean countless things and not one meaning will be lies. This line can mean be true to yourself, be firm on your beliefs, not to be a totally different person in front of others. It can mean no matter how much lies you tell or cheat on others, you should feel satisfied by yourself. It can mean it is okay to be someone else when with people so that you have a respectable image in the society but be what we really are in front of yourself. This essay is not going to tell us what the line means, this essay will barely give us a reflection of what being true can mean, therefore defining the line itself so that we can a buffet of perspectives, or better still, make your own perspective.

Being “true” as in Polonius, or Shakespeare’s view is being someone who can protect it’s own image and be loyal to his interests. Amusingly, Polonius’ “interests” are spying on Hamlet for King Claudius. Which is okay to some extent because if him being true to self means having a loyal image in front of the king then so be it.  As the introduction promised, different perspectives.
We can be true in the sense of standing up for our beliefs and not changing it no matter what the world says, voicing our thoughts to others even after they do not like us. That attitude is respecting by some, we can be respected by people and be singled out, and the thing is, it is not such a bad thing. Think it of not as being strange, but being the start of something new, different, a role model for others, starting something other than normal which people can follow, because no matter how much they deny it, they something other than normal, that is basic human nature, that is the reason we were able to progress, were able to from stone age to industrial age, from foot to sky.
We are be true as in having a presentable image in the society, as in keeping up with fashion, wearing latest clothes, keeping a sharp ear on gossips, being all friendly and polite to everybody, cracking jokes and plastering a smile whenever you are in public, and genuinely having that behaviour even when alone with ourselves. Acceptable, because as Charles Darwin says “It is not the most strongest of species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one which is most adaptable to change”. It is all well and good because it will come naturally to us and you don’t have to force it up and most of all, we don’t have to worry about being announced guilty of living two lives in your only one life.
Even if we are being all polite and behave like a gentleman in front of the world and be displeased with the whole universe and disdainful in front of the mirror. Bearable to some extent, because who does not want to be recognised in the society? No one wants a hateful man as company. Everybody wants to be someone who people can look up to, being set up as an sample for following and most of all, for once having a platform where you can look people looking up at you with their heads arched high, which is only satisfying if enough people are watching. Oh the edginess of being populous! If these kind of people can look at themselves without remorse in front of the mirror, have no doubts about themselves in the back of their minds and can sleep peacefully in the night, however unnatural it may sound they are being them, they are being true to themselves
If we see this as having two different personalities you will say that the one with being disdainful is being true to themselves. But we should not look at it as two different parts, we should look at it as one whole thing, even these kind of men are being to true, because this defines them, acting in the outside world but frustrated with everyone around you, they are being them, this is their cycle of normal and being themselves.

The Conclusion, these people may sound completely different from each other but they have one thing in common, they are happy, yeah even the one how hates the universe, he may deny it but he just likes to take out his frustration in the universe, have someone to blame who can’t answer back, that eases the mind a bit. All the kinds of people above are being true to themselves in their own way, they all are acceptable because we have a large population which has diverse thoughts and, therefore we have a diverse society. No one can be accepted fully in this world as whatever you do, you will have someone going against you, being jealous of you, not liking you because that’s the rule of the universe - every coin will have two different sides. Fortunately or unfortunately it is through these opposing forces that we were able to progress up and have a diverse ring of thoughts. But the question still remains, what is the right way of being true to ourselves? Or, what does being true to ourselves really mean? The answer to being true is being happy within yourselves. There is no right way for being true because as the rule goes, no matter what there will be opposing forces so it’s better we don’t try to be fully accepted. Be true to yourself by being happy and not to be accepted fully. When that is done acceptance will surely follow and the true meaning of being ‘true’ would be shown to us all.  


Thursday 31 July 2014

the characters of THE FAULT IN OUR STARS

hey guys!!! I hope you liked my previous review of the book, now I think I should have a disastrous attempt at describing the characters in the book. I hope you like this also!! As you know I don't have a wide vocabulary, but I'll try to describe Augustus and Peter van houten as well as I can!!
so just the names of the characters i am going to write about


A very memorable and an amazing character in the book, not one of the main character, but treated as one, an amazing friend of Augustus waters (the REAL main character). They both deserved each other, not in the gay point of view, okay? they were best buddies, and Isaac makes this book not just a love story but a sample of friendship to everybody in this universe. so if you tell me to define Isaac in less than five words, Isaac : friend, the real one.
He also was a cancer patient like almost everyone in the book, got both of his eyes taken out in exchange for a cancer free body, yyipe!! You might be thinking oh, man this is so sad!! this should not happen, yeah it is, but he did not feel sad, he is okay with it, he is "happy", but personally the author or god (whoever you want to choose) did him a favor, the author (i chose the author), made him blind and did him a favor because..... He had a girlfriend he loved with all his heart named Monica, she dumped him just before he was loosing his eyes just because "she couldn't handle it", i mean he is getting is getting his eyes out and SHE can't handle it!!!, that is the exact same thing Isaac said and Monica was a bitch i think she would've dumped him with or without his eyes, so the author saved him the pain to see Monica again and just drown in his own grief or worse the pain to see her with somebody else, THAT was the favor the author did to him.
The author did another and the greatest favor ever to Isaac, the author gave Isaac the power to see his best friend alive but even the author is not so mean to make Isaac see his best friend at the house of death, the chance that not many unfortunate souls get, Isaac got it. That means John is giving us the message that there will be grief and unfortunates in your life but there will always be a speck of positive in it, and if you believe enough and seize it, it is more than enough to make you happy!


Augustus "Gus" Waters, that's the name of the exemplar of all the things a girl needs in his boyfriend, it's a bit difficult actually, describing him, we both being boys and all, not my natural ability to describe boys as "handsome" or "hot" or "charming" but he is, no denying it, at least hazel thinks he is (Hazel is the other main character if you wanna know). So Augustus is most amazing boyfriend any girl can ever have!!!! he just sweeps tom cruise and other whatnot celebrities of with is broom!!! he is the really honest with Hazel, and loves her truly, does not expect anything from her, his love is example to both boys and girls around the world but apart from being a lover he is a friend also, and he does not fall back on his duties on either of the things. He just loves his symbolic references, he is the kind of guy who does not make hippe comments on somebody and does not have a pick up line starting with "hey baby". His pickup line is  "It's a metaphor you see, u put the killing thing in your mouth but you don't give it the power to kill it" which seriously made girls and hazel fall for him. In the book Augustus is very humble and "hot", i know perfect combination for a boyfriend right?, he says that HE is lucky to love her, but i think, that Hazel is lucky to have him. You will not get one like him in any life u can ever imagine! The most amazing thing about him being a boyfriend is that he is honest, he is humble, he does not like to show of. He has won Hazel purely on the basis of honesty and his character. That's what it's about people, He is open to Hazel all the times, is not afraid to disagree with her will openly tell his opinions to her, be sarcastic without hurting anybody, knows how to do justice to his friends (read the part where they go to throw eggs on a car, and watch it also, the movie one is better, in my opinion). In the starting lines of the description when i said "charming" i don't mean as he is very attractive looking (though he is), he is charming from the from his behavior, it's that kind of charming where first you see his appearance and be like, 'okay he is attractive, so what?' but when you talk to him you are like 'Dang!, this one is something!' and you have a very high chance for falling for him.


Hazel. Oh Hazel! Fun fact : John Green chose the name Hazel because it is an in-between color and she has also an in-between life. she is in-between health and sickness, in-between adolescence and adulthood, in between drowning and swimming. Believe me, it is very difficult to describe her, just because she is Hazel Grace! In the words of Augustus Waters, "she is funny without being mean", she really is! First you look at her and be like, "oh she's got this long tubes in her nose to help her breathe" not very attractive right? but Hazel grace is not about looks she is about character and charm, she teaches us that looks are not everything, your words and thought also makes a difference (but then Augustus finds her beautiful, he's something right?!)
Hazel is beautiful naturally because she lives a monotonous life (before she met Augutus), she reads "an Imperial Affliction" again and again, watches reruns of america's next top model, and thinks about death a lot, but one day when her mother consults a doctor about her behavior she finds out that Hazel is depressed and is recommended that she goes to a support group, she is reluctant at first but goes anyways just because she wanted to make her parents happy(the same reason she does anything now a days) and then she meets the sensational and charming Augutus Waters! She is a big fan of "an Imperial Affliction" because she thinks that book has something about cancer but is not a cancer book, she thinks that the author has gotten as close to Hazel's condition as anyone will ever get.
When she gets the invite from Peter to visit Amsterdam she starts fan girling so hard that a problem in her lungs arises (okay that was blunt, sorry about that, that was not the reason). Then i think everyone reading the books, including me, freaked out very badly because we know, though we may not have experienced it, that how sad and moronic it to have a shot at fulfilling your dream to meet your favorite author and being stopped at it for a reason as shitty as your lungs. She even cares for Augustus and her loved one greatly, as she initially tries to block her feeling for Augutus and as she think and i quote-"I am a grenade, i'm going to burst one day, and when i do i like to minimize the casualties" Oh hazel, I assure you, you are not a grenade to us. and she is so different from others as others wants to be remembered, they want to "leave a mark in the universe" but she understands that it is of no use and the marks try to leave are often scars, and scars fade away
I think I can't describe her anymore, sorry about it, so guys this is HAZEL GRACE LANCASTER, I hope I described her decently because I don't want to portray an excellent character badly.


A git. no jokes, at least that's how he is portrayed. At first when the author introduces him and you see how he behaves with Augustus and Hazel you are just like, yup definitely a git, because, first he invites Hazel darling to Amsterdam and makes her really excited and get's her hopes up, even though she get's some emergency with her lungs she still wants to go because it is her lifetime dream! When they went to Amsterdam they had a nice dinner and as it was written on paper Peter payed their bill, so then then their hopes rose a little more! But hey! when they really meet him he says he will not meet him!!! He said that he left America never to meet America and even that invitation was a formality kind of thingy and should not have been taken seriously!!! He is the example of a universal idiot to all of us, I am pretty sure Osama Bin Laden would look like a cuddly toy in front of him and I am certain he'll not be able to walk half a feet without his assistant, Lidewij.
But then at the end of the book there is total sorrow in the atmosphere and everybody's heart, then author hints that even Peter feels pain, and we come to know about his past it just dawn on me that the reason he left America was because of his daughter, he does not like to feel pain, that's why he appears so heartless and and like an idiot, when he saw a girl suffering with the same fate, he remembered his daughter and did not give Hazel his condolences because he knows no amount of sympathy he gives it will never match her pain or even ease it a bit. He even offers to clear the doubts Hazel had about the his famous book "An imperial affliction". So in short, he is an moronic idiot but in the end is a decent guy!

Thursday 24 July 2014

The fault in our stars - Epitome of Love, Romance and Friendship!

This movie just changes your perception about love, romance, the whole freaking universe, same with other books of John Green (or watch). This movie just made me rethink my decisions about my whole life!!
I am telling you, this movie/book will make you cry and laugh at the same time but you will want to come back for more. So I think I should try to make the review more sophisticated (and most probably fail). In this movie both the characters are directly or indirectly related to cancer, but mind you, it is not a cancer book!

Oh, the optimism, truth and love it has!! :') 



The movie/book The fault in our stars, is a book about finding true love, "I believe that true love exists, and everyone should have it and it should last as long as your life does" - Isaac. (A character in the book,i'll get back on him in the next post). This book gives us a different perception on love and companionship and even transforms a simple and very common word into a sample of love to us, the magical word being "okay?okay." which is the supplement of saying that they'll always love each other, i know, romantic right? not so much, because at first hazel turns down Augustus because in her point of view - "i am a grenade, and when i burst i would like to minimize the casualties", as she is suffering from stage four lung cancer and naturally her lungs suck at being lungs she can just drop dead at anytime so she just wants to cut out all the relationships and just go to the deathbed peacefully. Oh but that does not happen now, does it?

As Hazel's mother decides that hazel is under depression because Hazel just starts living a repetitive life, reading the same book over and over, watching reruns of 'America's Next Top Model', and thinking about death a lot so her mother goes to their cancer specialist and she advises Hazel to join a support group. Hazel is reluctant at first but she joins eventually just make her parents happy, the only reason she does anything now a days.

Now read carefully my friends, because one day  as Hazel has just lost interest in the support group as it is not helping her in any way, she decides to not go one day but her mother sends her anyways. There she meets (THANK HER STARS) a boy named Augustus Waters, he is a charismatic, good looking guy who loves his symbolic references. At first hazel just sees him as a nobody, who is staring at her, just because she is beautiful, so romantic! After the group is over for the day, they just have a short conversation on what each other's names are and would she like to watch a movie in his house, really he asks her out irrespective of the fact that they have just officially met.

At first Hazel, of course, refuses because she has the sense to see Augustus Waters to see as an ax murderer. But Augustus Waters just takes out his trick to pick on girls (not really, he is a natural at those things. He does not need tacky things as pick up lines) that is, he just takes a cigarette and puts it in his mouth. "Seriously? you think this is cool or something? You just ruined the whole deal, you have cancer and you give money to a company to give you more cancer" Hazel says, but Augustus just impresses her by saying "it's a metaphor you see?, You just put the killing thing in your mouth but you don't give it the power to kill it" and Hazel's thinking that he is an ax murdered goes out the window and they just go to his house to watch the movie where they also exchange their favorite novels and after some time Augustus starts loving "The Imperial Affliction" and hazel adores "The Prince of Dawn"and the adventures of max mayhem!!

So fast forwarding it a bit, hazel was just trying for years to get a reply from the author of her favorite book "An imperial affliction" - Peter Van Houten but is not able to do so. But Augustus does some research and finds about the personal assistant of Peter named Lidewij Vligenthart and he gets a reply and after reading her the email and gives her the address and Hazel to writes to Peter to know all about the characters of the book and he invites them to Amsterdam because that's where he lives. As Hazel is overwhelmed as she just didn't get a reply but a formal and official invite to meet her all time favorite author!!When she tells her mother this the realization just hits her that she can't go because her parents can't afford it, and she even used her wish cancer kids gets who are seriously sick. When Augustus comes to know that he get's really shocked at the fact that her crush has used her dying wish to go to Disney land!!(she was thirteen). So he decides to use HIS wish and go to Amsterdam and take hazel with her!!! oh, the love gus has! At first hazel gets serious pain in her lungs as she can't breathe because water filled in them (thanks to the cancer!). So because of that the doctors says that she can't do air travel with her present condition (stupid doctors) and then everyone is really really sad, even the readers, as hazel can't go to Amsterdam to complete her lifetime dream (they go anyways)

When they finally meet Peter, they realize that he really didn't want to meet to him, his invite was just formal and should not be taken seriously. believe me, he was the example of a universal git and no one argued upon it, but in the end he turns out to be the Snape of TFIOS just much less likeable. Anyways, they make him talk about just one character, that too a pet, after so much coaxing and shouting, after that, they get to frustrated because he is being a moron and they leave him alone. When they are going back to the hotel Peter's assistant apologizes for him and takes them to Anne Franks's house where they have a great time (the readers know what i mean).

When they come back, something happens, something very unexpected, we did not want that to happen, now this is for the ones who have not read the story, this part would be unexpected, this would hit you worse than a cannon ball, it would probably secure a place in your heart which will hurt badly but u will want to keep it. So yeah, I recommend you to read it, the above I wrote is just the first half and a brief description of how the book is. No promises, but when i read this book it changed my perception about love, faith and friendship and after you read this book of John green there is a chance you hate him but you will yearn for more. I hope you like the book review, if you didn't, I recommend you to read it anyways! and after this book, you should read his other books also!  

The beautiful, mind blowing, everlasting pick up line of Augustus
All hail Augutus "Gus" Waters


Monday 23 June 2014




Sherlock Holmes, is being mixed with the modern era of technology! this is directed by Steven Moffat, amazing person i am telling you, if someone just creates the most amazing show ever he deserves to be called that!!! and Sherlock and Watson are are played by Benedict Cumberbatch and martin freeman respectively (Google them, they fit perfectly in their roles!!).
This show will give you an experience how the Sherlock of the Sir author Conan Doyle would survive in the modern world of technology!! The greatest mix ever created, a character of 1800's mixed with today's modern era!!! So whenever the first timers see that show you are like, 'Daaaaamn, this is great!!! gonna download all the episodes and finish it one night!!! Now here's the catch, they actually finish in one night!
I was going happily to my computer to download all the episodes I can, and when the download was finished, I saw that there were only 3 episodes in one season!!! I could totally imagine my torrent being all "HAHA, NOOB" at me. How could they do that to anybody? Isn't this an international crime? Most of the shows are like "see here's 5 seasons of a show and we will give you at least 25 shows, and if you are supportive the numbers can go up"
and then there's Sherlock's team, "LOL, NO!!!, we don't care if you are ready to die for it, we are gonna make 3 episodes per year, so suffer in agony bitches!!!!
I had some pretty decent nightmares after watching the show. (the good ones, not the bad ones) About Steven Moffat hatching plans and all

Benedict Cumberbatch

So i guess that's it, I hope you liked it, and as I said in the whole review, a must watch, great series, the cast knows it's characters. in my opinion, that show is the definition of amazing.
But then again there's this point to consider, they are making masterpieces now if they make more episodes will they be masterpieces because now they are paying attention to detail, script and character indulgence if they make more episodes per season will they be masterpieces? These stories can be viewed as three movies every season as they are one and a half hour long, so that's a decent thing right?

Martin Freeman (Watson)