Saturday 27 September 2014

Lincoln Lawyer

Lawyers are sly, really really sly. They are the creatures of destruction and creation simultaneously. They are like a creature hiding in the bushes formulating a plan to how to snatch the piece of meat from the fox itself. Most of the time they succeed too. This is not a post on the hates on the lawyers so, lawyers, just put down your files which will help you in filing a law suit against this one, please. (FYI, couldn't get any other word so used 'creature', no disrespect intended.)
This post is actually about a movie which highlights the law system, and the people consisting it in a very drastic and bold manner. Really bold. The movie's name is, as above, Lincoln Lawyer, the protagonist is nothing like Abraham Lincoln in the starting. He just goes to the higher bidder, not looking at the black and white of the situation. Which makes him a great lawyer! Because if you can drop the charges from the head of a husband who kept the head of his wife in the refrigerator, you are a disgusting, uncouth, unethical man but a great lawyer. If you can bend the evidence a little, manipulate the jury, the witness, find loop holes in the legal bonds then great. But he's nothing like Lincoln mind you
The lawyers job is not to give justice people, it's job is to protect it's client who is paying him money. If you lose a case you were in and sent your client behind bars, most of the people will see you as not such a bad man because then the man will be a convict and deserved to be behind bars, but to a lawyer it's like he let people down, he faces trust issues with himself, because to him his client is innocent, he does not look at evidence, he does not look at the witness. His client is innocent..period. I think I just found the reason why almost every lawyer in the world is an 'outcast' in the society at some point of his life! For a lawyer, his client is always innocent, at least when he is in front of the judge.
The lawyer in the movie often deals with thugs, takes their case, releases their man, why? Because they pay him money, and he chooses to do it. He, on a different law suit, takes the case of assault on a woman (tricky case) he even get's to know that his current client has assaulted a woman before and he had handled that case and got the wrong man convicted for it. It came to light that both the women were injured the same way. Do you realize how conflicting that was for him? He convicted his client for what his other client did! But let me tell you, he makes it right in the ending. I think that's why the movie was called the Lincoln Lawyer, not because he owns a Lincoln company's car. But because he becomes a changed man after the case, he starts to fear evil, he is scared that evil will be standing right before him and he won't be able to recognize it. The movie is open to the interpretation to the audience. If you like the review then watch the movie, if not, then why should a puny review come in the way of an enjoyable evening (probably with a lawyer)?

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