Thursday 24 July 2014

The fault in our stars - Epitome of Love, Romance and Friendship!

This movie just changes your perception about love, romance, the whole freaking universe, same with other books of John Green (or watch). This movie just made me rethink my decisions about my whole life!!
I am telling you, this movie/book will make you cry and laugh at the same time but you will want to come back for more. So I think I should try to make the review more sophisticated (and most probably fail). In this movie both the characters are directly or indirectly related to cancer, but mind you, it is not a cancer book!

Oh, the optimism, truth and love it has!! :') 



The movie/book The fault in our stars, is a book about finding true love, "I believe that true love exists, and everyone should have it and it should last as long as your life does" - Isaac. (A character in the book,i'll get back on him in the next post). This book gives us a different perception on love and companionship and even transforms a simple and very common word into a sample of love to us, the magical word being "okay?okay." which is the supplement of saying that they'll always love each other, i know, romantic right? not so much, because at first hazel turns down Augustus because in her point of view - "i am a grenade, and when i burst i would like to minimize the casualties", as she is suffering from stage four lung cancer and naturally her lungs suck at being lungs she can just drop dead at anytime so she just wants to cut out all the relationships and just go to the deathbed peacefully. Oh but that does not happen now, does it?

As Hazel's mother decides that hazel is under depression because Hazel just starts living a repetitive life, reading the same book over and over, watching reruns of 'America's Next Top Model', and thinking about death a lot so her mother goes to their cancer specialist and she advises Hazel to join a support group. Hazel is reluctant at first but she joins eventually just make her parents happy, the only reason she does anything now a days.

Now read carefully my friends, because one day  as Hazel has just lost interest in the support group as it is not helping her in any way, she decides to not go one day but her mother sends her anyways. There she meets (THANK HER STARS) a boy named Augustus Waters, he is a charismatic, good looking guy who loves his symbolic references. At first hazel just sees him as a nobody, who is staring at her, just because she is beautiful, so romantic! After the group is over for the day, they just have a short conversation on what each other's names are and would she like to watch a movie in his house, really he asks her out irrespective of the fact that they have just officially met.

At first Hazel, of course, refuses because she has the sense to see Augustus Waters to see as an ax murderer. But Augustus Waters just takes out his trick to pick on girls (not really, he is a natural at those things. He does not need tacky things as pick up lines) that is, he just takes a cigarette and puts it in his mouth. "Seriously? you think this is cool or something? You just ruined the whole deal, you have cancer and you give money to a company to give you more cancer" Hazel says, but Augustus just impresses her by saying "it's a metaphor you see?, You just put the killing thing in your mouth but you don't give it the power to kill it" and Hazel's thinking that he is an ax murdered goes out the window and they just go to his house to watch the movie where they also exchange their favorite novels and after some time Augustus starts loving "The Imperial Affliction" and hazel adores "The Prince of Dawn"and the adventures of max mayhem!!

So fast forwarding it a bit, hazel was just trying for years to get a reply from the author of her favorite book "An imperial affliction" - Peter Van Houten but is not able to do so. But Augustus does some research and finds about the personal assistant of Peter named Lidewij Vligenthart and he gets a reply and after reading her the email and gives her the address and Hazel to writes to Peter to know all about the characters of the book and he invites them to Amsterdam because that's where he lives. As Hazel is overwhelmed as she just didn't get a reply but a formal and official invite to meet her all time favorite author!!When she tells her mother this the realization just hits her that she can't go because her parents can't afford it, and she even used her wish cancer kids gets who are seriously sick. When Augustus comes to know that he get's really shocked at the fact that her crush has used her dying wish to go to Disney land!!(she was thirteen). So he decides to use HIS wish and go to Amsterdam and take hazel with her!!! oh, the love gus has! At first hazel gets serious pain in her lungs as she can't breathe because water filled in them (thanks to the cancer!). So because of that the doctors says that she can't do air travel with her present condition (stupid doctors) and then everyone is really really sad, even the readers, as hazel can't go to Amsterdam to complete her lifetime dream (they go anyways)

When they finally meet Peter, they realize that he really didn't want to meet to him, his invite was just formal and should not be taken seriously. believe me, he was the example of a universal git and no one argued upon it, but in the end he turns out to be the Snape of TFIOS just much less likeable. Anyways, they make him talk about just one character, that too a pet, after so much coaxing and shouting, after that, they get to frustrated because he is being a moron and they leave him alone. When they are going back to the hotel Peter's assistant apologizes for him and takes them to Anne Franks's house where they have a great time (the readers know what i mean).

When they come back, something happens, something very unexpected, we did not want that to happen, now this is for the ones who have not read the story, this part would be unexpected, this would hit you worse than a cannon ball, it would probably secure a place in your heart which will hurt badly but u will want to keep it. So yeah, I recommend you to read it, the above I wrote is just the first half and a brief description of how the book is. No promises, but when i read this book it changed my perception about love, faith and friendship and after you read this book of John green there is a chance you hate him but you will yearn for more. I hope you like the book review, if you didn't, I recommend you to read it anyways! and after this book, you should read his other books also!  

The beautiful, mind blowing, everlasting pick up line of Augustus
All hail Augutus "Gus" Waters


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