Monday 18 August 2014

Brave - Proof that girls are equals!

hey, so here's a review on Brave. Had time in my hand so I thought I would post something. Quite a time since I've posted, so for the regulars (if there are any) my sincere apologies.


Some people think that girls can never be equal than boys, as they are weak in any way. Well friends, if you want to prove them wrong then show them this movie.
The story is about a girl named Merida whose father is a king named King Fergus, who is king of three clans allied together, who has a wooden leg in place of a real one, courtesy a bear named Mord'u. As her mother, Queen Elinor, was brought up a princess and nurtured to be one day be queen, she wants Merida to follow on her footsteps. That is, her mother always tells her to walk straight, eat properly, show grace, don't do weapons as they are not good for princesses. But Merida, doesn't want to be a princess, as you see, since she was a small kid she had a fascination of bows, and archery, as she grew her fascination also grew and she became a fabulously elegant shooter. Her mother as I described earlier does not like that, as she thinks it is not typical princess stuff. So what to do now? Merida makes a deal with her mother that she has to follow her mother's orders and she will get Sunday to be herself. Yeah, I think one more thing this movie taught us that Sunday's can be superbly exciting and refreshing even though you know tomorrow is Monday and you have to go that boring cycle of obedience again! So, she always abides by the rule because she knows, after all the boring stuff she will get to do HER thing. If there was a place for the queen of archery, she would get it. She's even got these three mischievous, adorable and cool small brothers, who help her in the movie! But as the future holds, her mother drops the bomb of marriage to her. Now this is not going well with Merida, as she is not mentally ready with marriage. So she just rides of into the woods with her horse to clear her head a bit. There she finds an answer, and just to be mean, watch the movie to see what the answer is, because that's where the real fun and message begins.

I am not going more into it. I'll try to keep the review a bit early next time. Personal perspective alert - The songs are awesome!!
This movie will entertain you thoroughly, and keep you at the end of your seats the whole time. You will get some feels to. This movie will teach you that girls have limitations and should do things regardless of their choice most of the time, but you can get past them, you only need the support of your family.
So, if this movie looks like worth your time, then please do watch it. If you have seen it then watch it again!! No harm done right??

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