Friday 29 August 2014

Now you see me- Magic explained in 2 hours

Well here I am, behold!! "the-blogger-who-does-not-get-any-likes-but-still-posts" has posted again. That introduction was not for getting any likes (I swear on river styx), I just wanted to tell you that even if you can't see appreciation even then you can go on, there is absolutely no reason necessary to go on. This can be a quote!! Anyways this review is going to a bit different, because it will be short, I'll try my best. And it's about magic!!

How many people believe in magic? hundreds? thousands? millions? But how many of you actually practice it? practicing in the sense, making it your life, your belief, your heart. Believing even when you know it is only science, misdirection, misinterpretation, an illusion. This movie is about that, believing. The most basic summary of the movie in one line is...Magicians are asked to rob a bank with magic. I know it is not actually believing and does not actually reflect the high ground I put up in the beginning, but read further, you'll know. Magic is not about just flipping cards, disappearing from places, making things appear, it's much more than that. It's about making them believe, give them a satisfaction that if something like this is possible then everything is possible. Magic must be illusion, trickery, deception, but it should be used for applause not for stealing, then it would be a crime.
Anyways, In this movie extraordinary magicians are chosen to work together, put up the biggest distraction to complete a task given by the protector of the "eye" to get the chance to be a member of the eye and possibly be the greatest magicians in the century. Now to clear the confusion, the "Eye of Horus" or "the Eye" is an ancient Egyptian myth which consists of people who are protectors of real magic and the protectors of those who practice magic. The Eye selects people twice a century, that is a hell lot of time and just because of this broad time frame, you are tempted to do it. So four people are selected by the eye to prove their faith by following a series of commands with blind obedience. In this term, these four magicians are specialists in different fields which compels them to work with each other otherwise the task would be impossible. They rob a bank, slip from the clutches of police and entertain people
Now this is a short review, as I said. Just the basic plot. I know, it is not usually welcome, but you will still enjoy it, and I have used a couple of phrases from the movie so that you can relate to them and confirm that you are watching the correct movie. One more thing, there will be a twist which you will not be able to foresee. So that's it folks, the review on a magical movie, which is not really magical ( oh the irony). If you think it worth your time then go and watch it, if you don't think so, then it's just 2 hours!!

The movie's casting is something like this- Mark Ruffolo (An agent who investigated the robbery), Jessie Eisenberg (yup the social network guy, and magician), Woody Harelson (magican), Isla Fisher & Dave Franco (both magicians), Morgan freeman (yes people he is there). So guys, another incentive to watch the movie.

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