Tuesday 18 November 2014

Serpents Shadow - Ma'at restored

Okay now, this is my final post.....of this blog project. You can't get rid of my writing very easily. Internet will suffer in silence taking in my writing for years! Bwahaha! Too much? Sorry.

Now this book is the final in the series. The final battle. Apparently, our giant, immortal, funky and chaotic snake, Apophis, is slithering around the world gathering followers either by fear or respect. His master plan is that he will swallow the sun so that the earth is plunged in an eternal sea of chaos and he can rule it afterwards. This particular snake can be the cause of immortal back pain I tell you. Now as always Sadie and Carter to the rescue! They have a weapon which, is a spell, if performed correctly, will send Apophis so deep in the Du'at that he may never to rise again. There is one tiny problem (as always). They are actually not so experienced with spell books, so they talk to the author of the book, who has been dead for some centuries. How? Their dad is the god of death now. Don't ask how THAT happened, it will take a whole other post. So, they ask the author to help them (whose name is Setne by the way) and he agrees to help. Now another problem, they have to use the spell in the shadow of Apophis, which is in the middle of the most dangerous and chaotic part of the Du'at (duh). Why is it not joined to him? Because as it goes, the shadow is one of five parts of you, essential for you to be complete, quite literally. Isn't shadow just a projection kind of thingy? Later please. Now the review.

So will our magical duo of siblings be able to stop our snake in time? Will they be able to perform the spell correctly? What will will be the plethora of dangers they will face? And yeah one more, they have to wake the sun god fully now. Who is now acting like a toddler. How will they babysit AND and save the world? All in the book.

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