Title - A Faker
A faker you are
You laugh for the wrong reasons
For all the wrong people
You ignore the caring ones
You depreciate the loving ones
Rather stay with the "popular" ones
A faker you are
You wear the stylish dress
When you know you'll rather
Wear that comfortable one
There's that one person, out there
He is your pillar, your support
Rather forget him when he needs your shoulder
A faker you are
Thinking you'll be "popular"
You give up the important people
Not realizing the people you want to be, are fakers too
You make up fake memories, fake experiences
To fit in the societal bonds, you slim yourself
But it's not your fault, you are a faker
And no one taught you how not to be one
A faker you are
You laugh for the wrong reasons
For all the wrong people
You ignore the caring ones
You depreciate the loving ones
Rather stay with the "popular" ones
A faker you are
You wear the stylish dress
When you know you'll rather
Wear that comfortable one
There's that one person, out there
He is your pillar, your support
Rather forget him when he needs your shoulder
A faker you are
Thinking you'll be "popular"
You give up the important people
Not realizing the people you want to be, are fakers too
You make up fake memories, fake experiences
To fit in the societal bonds, you slim yourself
But it's not your fault, you are a faker
And no one taught you how not to be one
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