Thursday 31 December 2015

New Year Stories (Short, Sweet, and even heartfelt)

The clock strikes twelve and the son cries Happy New Year to his father. The father welcomes him with open arms, thinking to himself "I don't want him to let go, never". "Happy Birthday mom" says the son to a photo. Behind him, the father's heart cracks a little more, the New Year is not all celebrations, for him it is a breaking of an oath too.
After all, the only memory is the photo for the kid. Every New Year, when the crackers are illuminating the streets, he is yet again kept in the dark.

"Wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy New year" whispers the five year old girl
"Shh, don't be loud otherwise they'll hear you" reprimanded the mother
Another year passed in this basement,
Another year in waiting for freedom
The sound of guns blazing is the only sound they'll hear tonight.
The shameless cries of evil men committing heinous is the only sound of "celebration" they'll hear.

"Yay, we're going to the mall today!" for the first time in years, the ten year old kid will feel rich.
Will feel rich not by buying expensive clothes or latest gadgets for himself.
But feel rich by the long lost smile he'll see on his sister's face today. Feel rich by the pure happiness his sister will receive today, all by a simple thing of going to one of the most superficial places on earth. Once again, he can sit down and be thank full to his god, once again he has faith in Him.

For many New Year is a time for partying, firecrackers, booze, late night drunkenness.
For few, it's a blessing, a blessing that they are leaving the evils inside them behind just like the previous year.
A blessing that they've gone through another Year, and lived.
A blessing that they have enough their pockets to have a roof over their heads and enough to keep their stomachs from grumbling.
For a few, it's a blessing.

"Lets stay here, on this bed tonight" said she after a hours of making love.
"Okay, he readily agreed" For once he did not have more sex in mind.
He wanted to lie down with her, feel her presence, be assured that unlike this year she'll stay.
He wanted to hold her hand and be with her. Wanted to look into her deep eyes and see love reflecting back.
He wanted to live his life hand in hand with her.
And he knew she wanted that too.