Saturday 27 September 2014

Lincoln Lawyer

Lawyers are sly, really really sly. They are the creatures of destruction and creation simultaneously. They are like a creature hiding in the bushes formulating a plan to how to snatch the piece of meat from the fox itself. Most of the time they succeed too. This is not a post on the hates on the lawyers so, lawyers, just put down your files which will help you in filing a law suit against this one, please. (FYI, couldn't get any other word so used 'creature', no disrespect intended.)
This post is actually about a movie which highlights the law system, and the people consisting it in a very drastic and bold manner. Really bold. The movie's name is, as above, Lincoln Lawyer, the protagonist is nothing like Abraham Lincoln in the starting. He just goes to the higher bidder, not looking at the black and white of the situation. Which makes him a great lawyer! Because if you can drop the charges from the head of a husband who kept the head of his wife in the refrigerator, you are a disgusting, uncouth, unethical man but a great lawyer. If you can bend the evidence a little, manipulate the jury, the witness, find loop holes in the legal bonds then great. But he's nothing like Lincoln mind you
The lawyers job is not to give justice people, it's job is to protect it's client who is paying him money. If you lose a case you were in and sent your client behind bars, most of the people will see you as not such a bad man because then the man will be a convict and deserved to be behind bars, but to a lawyer it's like he let people down, he faces trust issues with himself, because to him his client is innocent, he does not look at evidence, he does not look at the witness. His client is innocent..period. I think I just found the reason why almost every lawyer in the world is an 'outcast' in the society at some point of his life! For a lawyer, his client is always innocent, at least when he is in front of the judge.
The lawyer in the movie often deals with thugs, takes their case, releases their man, why? Because they pay him money, and he chooses to do it. He, on a different law suit, takes the case of assault on a woman (tricky case) he even get's to know that his current client has assaulted a woman before and he had handled that case and got the wrong man convicted for it. It came to light that both the women were injured the same way. Do you realize how conflicting that was for him? He convicted his client for what his other client did! But let me tell you, he makes it right in the ending. I think that's why the movie was called the Lincoln Lawyer, not because he owns a Lincoln company's car. But because he becomes a changed man after the case, he starts to fear evil, he is scared that evil will be standing right before him and he won't be able to recognize it. The movie is open to the interpretation to the audience. If you like the review then watch the movie, if not, then why should a puny review come in the way of an enjoyable evening (probably with a lawyer)?

Thursday 18 September 2014

The Benchwarmers - satirically different

Ever been bullied? Of course, everybody's been bullied. Not you? Look again. some are bullied on a daily basis, other's on a weekly, others just once or will be. Just not talking about physical okay, talking about the emotional, and mental attack you get. Hearing mean nicknames from your own, a comment on your disability, any disability. That's all bullying, Now if your answer is still no, then you will be bullied or you are the other side of the coin, needless to say - I despise the latter. I know, I know a writer should not have biased opinions on any matters and represent every matter as factual. But I think personal opinion is needed on it, I think bullies are despicable (it's a fact), and I think there's still time when I can call myself a writer.
Back to the movie, The Benchwarmers is a stupid movie. It has what everybody calls a slap stick comedy, not an intense, worth going to the cinema comedy. Then why write about it? Because if I look at it closely, it a movie on bullying. It is the first and an amazing way I have seen bullying being represented satirically. I said everybody is bullied, has anyone done something about it? Very few, but let me tell you one thing, none of you have thought of it by solving it by baseball. Three guys thought of it. They formed a team called The Benchwarmers as they did not have a chance to play ball when they were in there school years as they were bullied therefore being psychologically disturbed (that happens). They form a team and play against all the teams who consist of people who think very full of themselves, or there coaches were known to be. They become a great hit after surpassing mock and hate from people with the help of others nerds and the victims.
This movie is not something some people will be very excited to spend a buck and go to the cinema to watch it. I would recommend to see if it's coming in the television (or download the torrent) and cuddle in blanket to watch it with your family while the younger ones get to enjoy the comedy and you get to feel the bigger meaning. There is metaphorical character in the movie. Let's chat about him, I'll keep it extremely short...
There is a character named Gus in the movie (not the TFIOS one calm down!). He is a metaphor on bullies themselves. He is a character who clearly, impeccably and visibly tells us that bullies can be very mean, they ARE cruel, but they to have feelings, they can one day realize that they have done some diabolical things. They can mend the harm also, it just takes a genuine sorry from the heart, the one sorry you really mean.
I seriously feel very weird using Gus and metaphor in the same description, my apologies if any harm done.


Tuesday 16 September 2014

LETTERS TO JULIET - Questioning the very functioning of l-o-v-e

What is the longest time you've waited for someone? Someone who is worth the wait? A month? A year? Let's be generous and let's just guess, five years? But have you ever waited for someone for over FIFTY years? I am pretty sure the answer's a negative.
In Letter's to Juliet, a woman named Claire, has found her true love again, after fifty long years. Let's start from the begging, It all started with a teenage woman finding and knowing that she found a man she would love forever. Claire was a teenager when she met Lorenzo, they used to have so much fun together, spending each second they could with each other. It was love at first sight, they loved each other more than anything. But I don't know what Destiny had for breakfast that day and Claire had to go to London because her parents wanted a better place to live in. Well, it seems it ends here right? Come on I have a review to write! I can't have a piece of barely 150 words and a movie can't be that short. So moving on, I think Destiny realized it's mistake that she should never let her breakfast mix with her professional life, and mended it, even though it was after 50 years. But just like any other love story, she made sure that people involved were willing to bring back the past.
A girl named Sophie went to supposedly a honeymoon with her fiance. As obvious it may sound, they went to France. But it turned out as a business trip for her budding chef fiance (disastrous) and she toured France alone (end of the world). Where she met a woman at the wall of Juliet and others who called themselves the 'secretaries of Juliet', this sounds highly unlikely but these beautiful women sit together and reply to the cries and problems the girls put on the their letters. I mean wow! can it get any deeper than that? well it did, when I watched the movie further.
Sophie decided that she'll reply those letters as she was looking for something to do in France. The other day when she was collecting the letters she found a letter hidden inside a wall, it was just kept there for years. She decided to write back to the sender regardless of the fact that it was written a long long time ago and she may or may not get a reply. Well, she one. Claire herself. They go on a chase to find a Lorenzo Bartolini, even if there were more than 70 Lorenzo in France. Oh the love.
I am not saying anything more...I would ruin the story then, but I just love the fact that this movie highlights the fact that true love exists and there are no barriers of time holding it. And also the fact that it all started with a reply and ended with a reading of it.....and also a balcony and the usual mushy mushy. You will know the exact meaning of it when you see the movie.

Friday 12 September 2014

9/11 - The catastrophe that shook the world

                                             A TRIBUTE TO THE VICTIMS

I know it's a day late to post something about 9/11. But I think these things should not be limited to just one day, they could be remembered any day. Everyone who has experienced or even seen the disaster of 9/11, you have my deepest condolences, it might sound unreal, but I really mean it.

9/11 was the biggest terrorist attack ever occurring in the US, and which will ever occur (hopefully). They were actually a series of coordinated attacks by the terrorist group called Al-Qaeda. They hijacked four airplanes on air itself in an attempt to make it a suicide crash attack, they largely successful. Out of those four flights, two were crashed into the World Trade Center (a.k.a The twin towers). One other was crashed into the United States Department of Defense, the Pentagon, thereby destroying the western half of it. The last one was supposed to be climax, the most disastrous and the most daring task the terrorist group did. They were supposed to bring down the white house. Now, if they would have done that, there would have been no chance of US getting back up and reciprocating in a few years, if white house was attacked at that time, the whole country's base of existence would have been at the brink of destruction, because if you cut of all the limbs of a man there's so little he can do. But, being thankful of the passengers aboard that plane, they tried to overpower the terrorist and the plane landed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. All this destruction,was obviously leads my social, economic and ethnic unrest. People were shocked watching the bulletin in their homes, there were even people who lost their loved ones in all this destruction, even Micheal Jackson would have dies early as he had an appointment in the twin towers that very day (this is a plus fact). But, the repercussions by the citizens of the US was also not very humane. Yes, after the attack people started hating every non-white existing in the US, especially the muslims, I mean 19 people did that to you, not a whole religion no one else should have been held accountable except Al-Qaeda, punish them, nobody cares, but people should not have made others suffer. But I understand your worry, I get trust issues with everybody if someone steals my chocolate, and what happened to the citizens was much, much more than chocolate snatching.

Just after all the destruction was (sort of) taken under control, after some months a monument was built as a poignant reminder to the citizens who suffered in the attacks in any way. Even having a not so visible but clear message for Al-Qaeda - Destroy this now, suckers.

You must be thinking why the writer has written this post, I have not experienced what happened to the people, but I still know, how hard it is for them, how they feel after losing a loved one.
I salute the ones who have suffered because they have the courage to hold themselves up till now, after so many years.