Friday, 29 August 2014

Now you see me- Magic explained in 2 hours

Well here I am, behold!! "the-blogger-who-does-not-get-any-likes-but-still-posts" has posted again. That introduction was not for getting any likes (I swear on river styx), I just wanted to tell you that even if you can't see appreciation even then you can go on, there is absolutely no reason necessary to go on. This can be a quote!! Anyways this review is going to a bit different, because it will be short, I'll try my best. And it's about magic!!

How many people believe in magic? hundreds? thousands? millions? But how many of you actually practice it? practicing in the sense, making it your life, your belief, your heart. Believing even when you know it is only science, misdirection, misinterpretation, an illusion. This movie is about that, believing. The most basic summary of the movie in one line is...Magicians are asked to rob a bank with magic. I know it is not actually believing and does not actually reflect the high ground I put up in the beginning, but read further, you'll know. Magic is not about just flipping cards, disappearing from places, making things appear, it's much more than that. It's about making them believe, give them a satisfaction that if something like this is possible then everything is possible. Magic must be illusion, trickery, deception, but it should be used for applause not for stealing, then it would be a crime.
Anyways, In this movie extraordinary magicians are chosen to work together, put up the biggest distraction to complete a task given by the protector of the "eye" to get the chance to be a member of the eye and possibly be the greatest magicians in the century. Now to clear the confusion, the "Eye of Horus" or "the Eye" is an ancient Egyptian myth which consists of people who are protectors of real magic and the protectors of those who practice magic. The Eye selects people twice a century, that is a hell lot of time and just because of this broad time frame, you are tempted to do it. So four people are selected by the eye to prove their faith by following a series of commands with blind obedience. In this term, these four magicians are specialists in different fields which compels them to work with each other otherwise the task would be impossible. They rob a bank, slip from the clutches of police and entertain people
Now this is a short review, as I said. Just the basic plot. I know, it is not usually welcome, but you will still enjoy it, and I have used a couple of phrases from the movie so that you can relate to them and confirm that you are watching the correct movie. One more thing, there will be a twist which you will not be able to foresee. So that's it folks, the review on a magical movie, which is not really magical ( oh the irony). If you think it worth your time then go and watch it, if you don't think so, then it's just 2 hours!!

The movie's casting is something like this- Mark Ruffolo (An agent who investigated the robbery), Jessie Eisenberg (yup the social network guy, and magician), Woody Harelson (magican), Isla Fisher & Dave Franco (both magicians), Morgan freeman (yes people he is there). So guys, another incentive to watch the movie.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Brave - Proof that girls are equals!

hey, so here's a review on Brave. Had time in my hand so I thought I would post something. Quite a time since I've posted, so for the regulars (if there are any) my sincere apologies.


Some people think that girls can never be equal than boys, as they are weak in any way. Well friends, if you want to prove them wrong then show them this movie.
The story is about a girl named Merida whose father is a king named King Fergus, who is king of three clans allied together, who has a wooden leg in place of a real one, courtesy a bear named Mord'u. As her mother, Queen Elinor, was brought up a princess and nurtured to be one day be queen, she wants Merida to follow on her footsteps. That is, her mother always tells her to walk straight, eat properly, show grace, don't do weapons as they are not good for princesses. But Merida, doesn't want to be a princess, as you see, since she was a small kid she had a fascination of bows, and archery, as she grew her fascination also grew and she became a fabulously elegant shooter. Her mother as I described earlier does not like that, as she thinks it is not typical princess stuff. So what to do now? Merida makes a deal with her mother that she has to follow her mother's orders and she will get Sunday to be herself. Yeah, I think one more thing this movie taught us that Sunday's can be superbly exciting and refreshing even though you know tomorrow is Monday and you have to go that boring cycle of obedience again! So, she always abides by the rule because she knows, after all the boring stuff she will get to do HER thing. If there was a place for the queen of archery, she would get it. She's even got these three mischievous, adorable and cool small brothers, who help her in the movie! But as the future holds, her mother drops the bomb of marriage to her. Now this is not going well with Merida, as she is not mentally ready with marriage. So she just rides of into the woods with her horse to clear her head a bit. There she finds an answer, and just to be mean, watch the movie to see what the answer is, because that's where the real fun and message begins.

I am not going more into it. I'll try to keep the review a bit early next time. Personal perspective alert - The songs are awesome!!
This movie will entertain you thoroughly, and keep you at the end of your seats the whole time. You will get some feels to. This movie will teach you that girls have limitations and should do things regardless of their choice most of the time, but you can get past them, you only need the support of your family.
So, if this movie looks like worth your time, then please do watch it. If you have seen it then watch it again!! No harm done right??

Saturday, 9 August 2014

This above all- To thine own self be true.

Hey guys! I've written another post. This one is a bit different, it is not about any reviews of movies or books or bands or anything. This is actually an essay on a line mentioned in one the play's of Shakespeare namely, HAMLET. I wrote this essay for an essay competition and I thought that I should publish it in my blog also. So here it is, I hope whoever reads it likes it.



“This above all: To thine own self be true”, a line said by Polonius written by Shakespeare in the, now and then, sensational plays of his, Hamlet. Earlier this line had a clear meaning but now, it has been given a different meaning, different people think differently of this line. Now they wonder, what is being “true” mean? Truth be told, it can mean countless things and not one meaning will be lies. This line can mean be true to yourself, be firm on your beliefs, not to be a totally different person in front of others. It can mean no matter how much lies you tell or cheat on others, you should feel satisfied by yourself. It can mean it is okay to be someone else when with people so that you have a respectable image in the society but be what we really are in front of yourself. This essay is not going to tell us what the line means, this essay will barely give us a reflection of what being true can mean, therefore defining the line itself so that we can a buffet of perspectives, or better still, make your own perspective.

Being “true” as in Polonius, or Shakespeare’s view is being someone who can protect it’s own image and be loyal to his interests. Amusingly, Polonius’ “interests” are spying on Hamlet for King Claudius. Which is okay to some extent because if him being true to self means having a loyal image in front of the king then so be it.  As the introduction promised, different perspectives.
We can be true in the sense of standing up for our beliefs and not changing it no matter what the world says, voicing our thoughts to others even after they do not like us. That attitude is respecting by some, we can be respected by people and be singled out, and the thing is, it is not such a bad thing. Think it of not as being strange, but being the start of something new, different, a role model for others, starting something other than normal which people can follow, because no matter how much they deny it, they something other than normal, that is basic human nature, that is the reason we were able to progress, were able to from stone age to industrial age, from foot to sky.
We are be true as in having a presentable image in the society, as in keeping up with fashion, wearing latest clothes, keeping a sharp ear on gossips, being all friendly and polite to everybody, cracking jokes and plastering a smile whenever you are in public, and genuinely having that behaviour even when alone with ourselves. Acceptable, because as Charles Darwin says “It is not the most strongest of species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one which is most adaptable to change”. It is all well and good because it will come naturally to us and you don’t have to force it up and most of all, we don’t have to worry about being announced guilty of living two lives in your only one life.
Even if we are being all polite and behave like a gentleman in front of the world and be displeased with the whole universe and disdainful in front of the mirror. Bearable to some extent, because who does not want to be recognised in the society? No one wants a hateful man as company. Everybody wants to be someone who people can look up to, being set up as an sample for following and most of all, for once having a platform where you can look people looking up at you with their heads arched high, which is only satisfying if enough people are watching. Oh the edginess of being populous! If these kind of people can look at themselves without remorse in front of the mirror, have no doubts about themselves in the back of their minds and can sleep peacefully in the night, however unnatural it may sound they are being them, they are being true to themselves
If we see this as having two different personalities you will say that the one with being disdainful is being true to themselves. But we should not look at it as two different parts, we should look at it as one whole thing, even these kind of men are being to true, because this defines them, acting in the outside world but frustrated with everyone around you, they are being them, this is their cycle of normal and being themselves.

The Conclusion, these people may sound completely different from each other but they have one thing in common, they are happy, yeah even the one how hates the universe, he may deny it but he just likes to take out his frustration in the universe, have someone to blame who can’t answer back, that eases the mind a bit. All the kinds of people above are being true to themselves in their own way, they all are acceptable because we have a large population which has diverse thoughts and, therefore we have a diverse society. No one can be accepted fully in this world as whatever you do, you will have someone going against you, being jealous of you, not liking you because that’s the rule of the universe - every coin will have two different sides. Fortunately or unfortunately it is through these opposing forces that we were able to progress up and have a diverse ring of thoughts. But the question still remains, what is the right way of being true to ourselves? Or, what does being true to ourselves really mean? The answer to being true is being happy within yourselves. There is no right way for being true because as the rule goes, no matter what there will be opposing forces so it’s better we don’t try to be fully accepted. Be true to yourself by being happy and not to be accepted fully. When that is done acceptance will surely follow and the true meaning of being ‘true’ would be shown to us all.