Friday 23 September 2016

Poem -Fake Pride

You stand there, head held high
With a cast of misconceptions over your neck 
Looking down on them, you stand there 
While forgetting your roots of misfortune

Wearing a fancy dress, only to hide the scars 
You bury your sorrows 
The mud of bluff All over your face, splattered by you

Putting on a mask, only to hide the scowl 
Everyone knows the mask 
But who knows the face? 
The mask joins with your veins
Whereas the face peels out

You don't know you now 
You don't accept you now 
Trying to integrate the fake pride in your blood 
Trying to belong, whereas loosing yourself 

In this futile attempt, you became no more than dust
The sin consumes you, but not realise yourself 
In this pursuit of fake pride, I hope you get yourself back

Thursday 31 December 2015

New Year Stories (Short, Sweet, and even heartfelt)

The clock strikes twelve and the son cries Happy New Year to his father. The father welcomes him with open arms, thinking to himself "I don't want him to let go, never". "Happy Birthday mom" says the son to a photo. Behind him, the father's heart cracks a little more, the New Year is not all celebrations, for him it is a breaking of an oath too.
After all, the only memory is the photo for the kid. Every New Year, when the crackers are illuminating the streets, he is yet again kept in the dark.

"Wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy New year" whispers the five year old girl
"Shh, don't be loud otherwise they'll hear you" reprimanded the mother
Another year passed in this basement,
Another year in waiting for freedom
The sound of guns blazing is the only sound they'll hear tonight.
The shameless cries of evil men committing heinous is the only sound of "celebration" they'll hear.

"Yay, we're going to the mall today!" for the first time in years, the ten year old kid will feel rich.
Will feel rich not by buying expensive clothes or latest gadgets for himself.
But feel rich by the long lost smile he'll see on his sister's face today. Feel rich by the pure happiness his sister will receive today, all by a simple thing of going to one of the most superficial places on earth. Once again, he can sit down and be thank full to his god, once again he has faith in Him.

For many New Year is a time for partying, firecrackers, booze, late night drunkenness.
For few, it's a blessing, a blessing that they are leaving the evils inside them behind just like the previous year.
A blessing that they've gone through another Year, and lived.
A blessing that they have enough their pockets to have a roof over their heads and enough to keep their stomachs from grumbling.
For a few, it's a blessing.

"Lets stay here, on this bed tonight" said she after a hours of making love.
"Okay, he readily agreed" For once he did not have more sex in mind.
He wanted to lie down with her, feel her presence, be assured that unlike this year she'll stay.
He wanted to hold her hand and be with her. Wanted to look into her deep eyes and see love reflecting back.
He wanted to live his life hand in hand with her.
And he knew she wanted that too.

Saturday 26 December 2015

The Poetic streak continues

Title - A Faker

A faker you are
You laugh for the wrong reasons
For all the wrong people

You ignore the caring ones
You depreciate the loving ones
Rather stay with the "popular" ones
A faker you are

You wear the stylish dress
When you know you'll rather
Wear that comfortable one

There's that one person, out there
He is your pillar, your support
Rather forget him when he needs your shoulder
A faker you are

Thinking you'll be "popular"
You give up the important people
Not realizing the people you want to be, are fakers too

You make up fake memories, fake experiences
To fit in the societal bonds, you slim yourself
But it's not your fault, you are a faker
And no one taught you how not to be one

Monday 21 December 2015

Shordinger's cat - This one might be appreciated by selective people

Shrodinger's Cat : Dead or alive?

There was once a brilliant scientist named Shrodinger
That mad scientist loved his cat to the core
Oh, did he hate his cat!
He always kept her company because he cared
That's why, He thought of locking the cat he cared

What brilliance it is to lock a cat up! He exclaimed
He never thought, What ignorance it is to lock a lovely cat up?
He wasted none a second to get a box
And shove the cat in the box

Oh! The contribution to Science it is!
Never thinking, Oh! what cruelty to Animals it is!
That cat though, oh poor cat...
Not a clue what is happening
Thinks her master is playing
It's a game all right, a game of life AND death

Now the real question the scientist asked,
Will the cat live? or not?

For those of you not familiar with this special cat you should check this link:
This will only provide you the basic layer of the material, I guess you can understand the poem then.
Also, those of you who didn't get it, it's not your fault, the poem is pretty horrible...
Though try to see what I tried in the first stanza. Cheerio.

Sunday 20 December 2015

I Origins- Eye is the window to the soul

This movie surely caught my "Eye" (It's a pun, as you read ahead you'll know). It is one of the movies in which you'll have to really sit down and watch with concentration (preferably with a loved one). Otherwise you'll not get the abstract concepts and metaphors and not be able to appreciate the movie completely, and since you have a loved one with you, you can cry your eyes out and "fan couple" with them.

Ian Gray is a molecular biologist most fascinated with the eye. When he was just a kid, he realised the intricate and almost magical workings of the Human Eye, the most evolved part of the body since the dawn of the time of life. Also, Ian being a scientist, believes in facts and data, not the spiritual world, religious scriptures and everything related to it, unless proof is provided. So naturally, he is trying to find the evolutionary steps of the construction of the evolved human eye. He is trying to find proof that Human Eye had evolved instead of being created by an "intelligent designer", God Himself, which might potentially prove science as superior than religion.

One day, Ian goes to a Halloween party and goes to the rooftop to smoke a cigarette where he meets a mysterious girl wearing a black mask with the most dazzling eyes ever. Naturally, he gets drawn to her and she allows him to take the pictures of her eyes.  They immediately click and end up sleeping together, which results in the girl running away in a taxi just after it is finished.

For a few weeks, he could not stop thinking about the girl with the dazzling eyes. He simply stared at the eyes he had captured for hours, swimming in their deep and colour iris. Until one day, looking like any other normal day, just that it actually wasn't. He entered a 7-11 Store and bought a lottery ticket. After that, his life was turned upside down by the number 11, he encountered it everywhere- on his lottery ticket, the time, the bus's number he was boarding. As he was travelling in that bus, he randomly dropped on one of the stations, and as if the universe was bending itself for him, he found the exact eyes he was searching for on a billboard.

Now, maybe I've left the review in a suspense (or I had nothing else to write unless I wanted to reveal something important). So, will Ian find the eyes he was looking for? Are they meant to be? Or the eyes will be a mystery forever? But, even if he meets the bearer of the eyes, is there really a possibility that the girl will be anything more than a one night stand? Most of all, what does this have to do with eyes?


Thursday 17 December 2015

Tears- My first try at poetry

So, first shot at poetry people, please be gentle.

Title- Tears

Falling down the cheeks
Eyes shut
Can't see a thing
Beauties of the world fuzzing out
Will I ever see the colours as they are?
Or will they always be grey from now on?

The reason of my demise is simple really
I could not see the reality clearly
The world seems bland now
It is not about one thing now

But maybe, it's a good thing
With my tears, my sorrow drip out
Maybe it'll wash off and never return
Maybe I'll find solace after this sorrow
Maybe, just maybe it'll be okay

Thursday 3 December 2015

Sweeny Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Normally, in titles like these you should let the title do the talking. For the musical drama fanatics who can bear with the "monotonous" dialogues of a motion picture, this should be the movie my friends. Originally written by Stephen Sondheim as a musical drama and recreated by Tim Burton as a movie for the big screen.

Judge Turpin, who lusts the incredibly beautiful wife of a barber named Benjamin Barker devises a way to have her for himself by convicting Benjamin and sending him in an exile over a crime he did not commit. Eventually, as expected even though not desired, Judge Turpin takes in the wife with her child and convinces them to live with him or live in the streets. Naturally, it was a hard bet. At this point, The Judge is the only one who would think his "happily ever after" has been fulfilled.

After roughly fifteen years of disappearance, Benjamin Barker comes back as Sweeney Todd, and it does not take much time to be "the demon barber" of the street. He even meets a beautiful lady who cooks literally "The worst pies in London". She is very hospitable and offers him her precious pies and a cool drink while being completely oblivious to the man's real identity. After acquainting the man a little more through her "insect killing" pies our Demon Barber finally reveals his true goal to her, partly in desperation and partly in trust. She then in return leads him to his nostalgic old barber shop, in which there are the special marked razors of our beloved barber, the ones he famously used as Benjamin Barker. Now the familiar touch of the handle and the blade had made him remember his painful memories of his exile, which only amplifies the fire to achieve his ultimate goal- To finish of Judge Turpin once and for all.

After getting his fire stoked a little more, getting a beautiful lady and getting back his razors he goes on a journey to get his daughter back. But he should hurry and eliminate the Judge as he has decided to marry his daughter too! So, will Sweeny Todd get a highly known and protected judge? Will he be able to get his daughter away from his lustful clutches? How is he planning to become the Demon Barber after all? Will he be able to achieve anything at all with pies and razors? The screen will tell how will go into an exile this time, this time forever, to the other side.