Sunday 30 November 2014

A synopsis of Egyptian myths

I'm going to answer what my stalker (if I have one) must be thinking about all the time. Why was I inactive these days? I was too busy swooning over two of the most amazing shows in the United States television. That's for another review, for now bear with this synopsis of 'Rick's bundle of Egyptian myths.

The demons days were created by the sky goddess, Nut, for her and the earth's (Shu) children to be born in. Yes, they made out. No biggie! They are just the sky and the earth. Was she an over-pampering mom who wanted to pamper her children so much such as to give them their own days? Actually, no. The real thing was that the sun god Ra came across the prophecy that the children of the sky and the earth will take over the throne of the pharaoh, of which Ra was taking pleasures of. So he got all freaked out and forbid Nut to bear children to bear children on any of the three sixty days of the year (Then it was five days less). Harsh. So now Nut out-smarted Ra by gambling with the moon to gather enough moon light to create five separate days! And yes you can do that. But people, gambling is bad and with the moon it's worse, ask Carter and Sadie they'll tell you. After those days were made, Nut bear five children, one on each day, Set, Nephtys, Osiris, Horus and Isis. So if you think you had a miserable year then you know whom to contact to complain on how the year is too long. Though I hope no one had a miserable year.

This is a type of magic which can help you to use the power of the gods by channeling it through your body. This magic is very volatile and can damage you till, let's say, irreparable body parts. That's the con. What's the pro? You can have the devine power of the Gods. You can have cool combat avatars wrapped around your body which can act as a shield too (Carter did it). You can produce big fists to knock out your enemies, it is advised not to try it on mortals. But you have to keep it all under control, if you become too greedy the power of the Gods will eat you up. If you try to channel too much power you will blast to smithereens (I mean die). Scary? it should be. Millions of years ago when the Egyptian culture flourished the path of the Gods was legal and people used it extensively on combat (it even helped them to bring snacks from the other room without getting up). But people got greedy and jealous of others (why can he do that? I want to do that too!) they started fighting each other and channeled too much power and were dying in great numbers. So the path of the Gods was forbidden and the Gods were buried deep into the Du'at.

I am just doing this part because I think he is a cool God. This God is the Lord of the Dead. I mean can you believe it? He is the judge of millions of dead people in this world! He can decide which damned or pure soul will go where. Well actually he does not decide it, he has an assistant named Anubis who (according to girls) is to die for. He is an extremely hot, with good fashion sense and respect for ladies, God of death rituals. Anubis also keeps the feather of truth which is used for knowing whether one soul is pure or not. The feather is kept on one side of a weighing scale and the dead's heart at the other. If the scales are balanced then the heart is pure if the feather is heavy then......
Osiris also has a cute yet devouring pet with a crocodile's mouth, he's not a crocodile though, who likes to eat the heart of the damned.
There is one more thing which is mind-blowingly interesting. Carter and Sadie's dad hosts Osiris, even though unintentionally. So the cool God is in an amazing dad cum Egyptian lecturer's body.

So that's it for this time readers, I hope you like it. I want you people to like it. That's why I write after all. I will write a review on the couple of shows I was swooning over. Soon. They are really a couple of nail biting shows. After all, a detective drama series and a sexy, thriller, suspense based on the court are ought to be amazing and nail biting. See ya readers.

He's the great author who made my life full of adventure
I know the drawings are not great but that's how it is

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Serpents Shadow - Ma'at restored

Okay now, this is my final post.....of this blog project. You can't get rid of my writing very easily. Internet will suffer in silence taking in my writing for years! Bwahaha! Too much? Sorry.

Now this book is the final in the series. The final battle. Apparently, our giant, immortal, funky and chaotic snake, Apophis, is slithering around the world gathering followers either by fear or respect. His master plan is that he will swallow the sun so that the earth is plunged in an eternal sea of chaos and he can rule it afterwards. This particular snake can be the cause of immortal back pain I tell you. Now as always Sadie and Carter to the rescue! They have a weapon which, is a spell, if performed correctly, will send Apophis so deep in the Du'at that he may never to rise again. There is one tiny problem (as always). They are actually not so experienced with spell books, so they talk to the author of the book, who has been dead for some centuries. How? Their dad is the god of death now. Don't ask how THAT happened, it will take a whole other post. So, they ask the author to help them (whose name is Setne by the way) and he agrees to help. Now another problem, they have to use the spell in the shadow of Apophis, which is in the middle of the most dangerous and chaotic part of the Du'at (duh). Why is it not joined to him? Because as it goes, the shadow is one of five parts of you, essential for you to be complete, quite literally. Isn't shadow just a projection kind of thingy? Later please. Now the review.

So will our magical duo of siblings be able to stop our snake in time? Will they be able to perform the spell correctly? What will will be the plethora of dangers they will face? And yeah one more, they have to wake the sun god fully now. Who is now acting like a toddler. How will they babysit AND and save the world? All in the book.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

The Throne of Fire - A Quest for the Sun

Why am I late? Because I am an asshole.

Now I will write a review on the second book in the series. The throne of fire, as you just read, there really is a throne of fire mentioned in the book. This particular throne is uniquely uncomfortable (duh). Your posterior will be rare cooked meat in a matter of seconds. Unless you are the lord of the sun, Ra. The throne is actually put up in the sun boat on which he sits when doing the nightly journey through Du'at (the divine prison for almost anything). Apart from making the sun rise again,  he does the journey to stop the lord of chaos, a giant snake, Apophis so that the world is not plunged into a sea of chaos.

Now you don't have to read about the posterior searing chair and the victim, I am coming to Carter and Sadie now. They have made peace with the gods inside them and they are trying to promote the path of the gods by recruiting teenagers and teaching them the path. Let's just say they couldn't do proper advertising and the product got a negative response from other magicians. But they did manage to recruit and now they all are learning the path of the gods. But how can a story go on without a chink in the armour? Apart from teaching, Carter and Sadie are forced to do a part time job, namely, stopping Apophis from destroying our world. I would pick car washing and grass cutting instead.

They are on a quest to retrieve a book which contains the spell to destroy our funky, chaotic snake. Now that's what we call a weapon. A book. Now since they don't have the support of other magicians and they have to break into a highly enchanted museum which also contains the book, without any body knowing about it. Last time I checked, that's what teenagers did.
Good going Rick, sending children to a deadly chase so that they can save the world. Couldn't you have kept the book in the fridge so Carter finds it while getting a snack?

The good thing about this book is....well almost everything. But the bad thing is.....well....nothing. Damn it Rick! Couldn't you show you were a normal human with faults.

Monday 3 November 2014

The red pyramid - first in the series

Okay, sorry to be late. I'm not going to make excuses, but I had guests at my place. Sorry again. So back to the series....

Carter and Sadie Kane are two siblings living separately because their mother died in a freak 'Egyptian mishap' (No jokes). Carter travels the world with his dad while Sadie gets to live with her grandparents. I can totally feel the envy some people may have who posses an annoying sibling. But believe me, if you had to choose between a Justin Bieber concert and being a victim of their anger combined. You would gladly be messaging song suggestions to the authorities. Yup, their combined presence was catastrophic. Now, they don't know that, they think it was all courts decision after the accident. They don't know they share the lineage of two powerful magician families which makes them the most compatible entities to host God's. Yes, all those supernatural beings who were rumored to be buried by magicians centuries ago came back again. Guess how? The father. That's all I am saying, rest is up to you to read (too blunt right?). Carter and Sadie realise that they are demigods, meaning they have God's inside them probably doing an Irish jig and living rent free (yup, I wrote that). Amos, who is the brother of their father takes them to one of certified magic house of Egyptian in USA. There they discover they have to stop the god of chaos a.k.a Set from turning USA into a giant frying pan a.k.a. a dessert.
How do they stop him? How do they master the long lost art of hosting gods? What monsters do they face? Three words, read the book.